Chapter 1 - The Surfer and the Lost Boy

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Each thousand years, children are chose to come to our world. They come to fight each other, and their battles are long and brutal. They fight each other for the future of their world, and for their own glory.

They battle for the glory of being the new ruler of their world.

That's why they come to our world. But, in here, to fight each other, they can't do so on their own. For battle, for the chance of winning, for the chance of being the king, they must form a team with a human.

These are the Mamodo Battles.


The day was good looking into the city of Los Angeles, the streets were busy and the cars moved from side to side. The city was big and busy, as one would expect. Los Angeles was know for being a big city, close to the beach and a good place for water sports. It was the second more populated city of the USA, and the most populated of California.

It was the city were lived a young adult who was on his own walking across the city. He was around 5,10 feet tall, with bronzed skin, and black hair in his head, which was spiked. He had an average building and wore a brown colored polo shirt, grey colors shorts and white colored sneakers in his feet. He was carrying a green backpack over his shoulder and a big yellow surfboard under his arm, and seemed very distracted as he walked across the streets, in direction to the beach.

His name was Diego Gonzales. He was a young American boy of Mexican descent, which had lived in this city for his whole life. He was around his early twenties, and was on his classes of medicine in University. He was having a hard time with his studies, and the teachers were still giving a lot of hard work.

Diego was having a long time as he was also having troubles with his rent in the house he was taking. He was having troubles to keep up with his studies and also find a job, and he had just been fired from his last job into the fast food. Mas, how was it his fault the oven was broken?

The thing had almost explode and caused a fire in the place. They had to call the firefighters, and they had to rebuild the damage. And they even managed to put the blame over Diego! Dammit! He had himself told them several times that the thing was broken and that was dangerous to keep it around, but the jerk of the manager said it was "a fine piece of working", and rather blame Diego than admitting he was wrong.

Diego gritted his teeth as he looked up and walked across the beach. He had so much troubles in his life now! He wish he could just find a way of making all the things better.

"Dammit!" Diego said as he walked "I wish I could give back to all of them!" he said to himself as he looked up and kept walking "Why do everything just end up on me?" he kept walking "I just wish that something great could happen to my life right now."

Diego was the kind of guy that had his difficult life, and wished that anything could happen to make his life more interesting. He was going to lose his home soon if he had no way of paying the rent, and if he did, he was going to have to live with his father again.

And that was the last thing he would ever want.

He lowered his head and looked forward, the beach was right in front of him. It was almost empty due to most people being busy and for being a more secluded place. But this did never stopped Diego, actually, this was one of his favorite places in the whole city.

Walking in the sand, Diego took off his shoes and sockets, and let his fingers get into the soft sand underneath, slightly sinking on it. Diego sighed as he placed his shoes and his bag into a nearby stair, and took off his shirt and placed it in the same stair, and took his surfboard, and started running in direction to the sea.


Surfing was the thing that Diego loved doing more than anything else, and had himself became an expert at it, and it was his favorite thing to help him relax.

Diego went into the salt water, and walked into it, before placing his surfboard over it and climbing on. And he started using his arms to pull himself off into the sea, to a place where the waves could come. It was almost the end of the afternoon, the sun was going to set soon, and it was a perfect time for waves without anyone bothering him.

He went off to the sea, getting far from the beach as he was going into a deep part of the ocean that was open wide. He stopped, and remained sitting into the board, looking to the vast sea ahead of him. Diego took a deep breath, taking in the breeze of the sea into his nostrils and filling his lungs. He sighed and was able to open a smile as he also opened his eyes, gazing into the blue ocean ahead of him.

He moved his board, maneuvering it to its side, and he kept his eyes at the horizon, watching.

One minute passed, and two, and five. Finally, he spotted a mass of water coming from high sea, raising above the line of the horizon and coming in his direction. It was a wave, and it seemed to be one of the big ones. Diego smirked as he used his arms to propel himself forward, getting ready to ride this one.

He swam across the water over the surfboard, and soon he was climbing up, sliding up into the wave that was coming at him. Diego soon was getting into his feet over the board as he slid upwards into the great wave. This one was probably twelve feet tall, maybe a little bigger. For Diego, it was just the perfect size.

So, Diego started sliding the board alongside the wave, ridding it as it move across the sea and in direction to the beach shores. This was what Diego like the most. He loved ridding the waves. When he was on top of them, he could not avoid feeling like some kind of hero that went to the unknown and rid the back of a dangerous dragon.

It could be a little childish, but Diego was not the most mature guy to begin with, and he really loved this kind of feeling. He liked doing it every once in a while, to forget about the world and about everything around him, and to focus only on himself and onto that feeling. It was good to switch off from the real world once in a while and focus on the good feelings of life, even if it was just for a few moments each day.

Diego was brought back to reality when he felt the wave carrying him to its top. Diego smiled, as it was time for some maneuvers. He turned the surfboard 180° degrees and started ridding it in the opposite direction, sliding across the body of the wave like a skitter sliding over ice.

He inclined his body forward, propelling the board and making it gain speed as he moved across the wave as it moved across the sea. Diego was a great surfer, and he was very proud of it, and he didn't needed to much effort to keep up with the guys on the beach. This had come to him after a few years of practicing, since he discovered his passion for surf.

Diego smiled as he moved the board across the wave, and he moved across the tip of it, and he made a big flip with his board in mid-air, landing safely back into the wave and resuming his sliding. This was one of his favorite maneuvers, and was one of which he was the best at. Diego laughed to himself as he felt like the king of the ocean as he rid the wave.

He turned the board another 180° degrees and he was moving in direction to where he came from first. Diego smiled as the wave was starting to crumble over itself, and form a tube. It was just perfect.

The thing Diego loved the most was the tube. A great tunnel of water he could slide inside, and he could feel like he was passing by some passage to an unknown world, which only he had access to. It was one of the things he liked the most in the whole world and it was his favorite thing about surfing. And by the size of this wave, this tube was going to be one of the good ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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