Madeleine go brrr

22 3 35

Madeleine walked into the lower city, looked around.

Their was a lot of dark mask people... and instead of being proud most called him things like

"Stupid upper city person"

"He's not even sea salt"

"Someone please get rid of him"

Madeleine felt uneasy, he wasn't used to this and neither did he like it. But he had to find clotted cream, and searching the upper city had been no use.

He hid his whines of discomfort and forced his head wings to not droop down.

Clotted cream noticed Madeleine, Light cream looked at him.

"Is he one of your boyfriends?" She asked with a smirk

Clotted cream blushed a lot "N-No-!"

"You sure talked about him and expresso a lot it seems so" Light cream remarked

Clotted cream became more red, "I didn't wait years to be embarrassed!"

"Im your mom, thats my job. I am evil after all" She said proudly

"You killed a man" Clotted cream said unfazed

Light cream grumbled "Just go help your poor worried boyfriend"

Clotted cream blushed a bit but just went to madeleine

Madeleine gasped and hugged him crying happily, "Oh thank divines your ok! I got so worried when I heard what happened!"

Clotted cream didn't expect the hug but hugged back, holding madeleine comfortingly

Madeleine soon calmed down, "So did you join your mother...?"

"Yes" Clotted cream answered, "You can join if you want, I won't force you"

"I might... but not right now. My aunties and my mom would worry" Madeleine answered

Clotted cream nodded, "I understand, but you are free to visit"

Madeleine smiled his adorable dorky smile "Don't worry I won't spill any of your plans"

He did a adorable wink too.

Clotted cream blushed a lot, feeling his heart beat hella fast, "T-Thank you"

Madeleine smiled, "You wouldn't tell mine so I won't tell yours"
He pointed to his head wings as he said this, they flapped a little and it was adorable

Clotted cream nodded as he remembered madeleine told him, "Well you should get back to your aunties"

Madeleine smiled "Alright bye!"

He happily ran back to house madeleine. Clotted cream sighed very in love with the adorable goofball

"You sure hes not your boyfriend?" Light cream teased

Clotted cream jolted
"Yes Im sure!"

Grand madeleine yelled

"We are so sorry sister-" auntie one tried to reason

"Please don't kill us-" Auntie 3 begged

Madeleine blinked, "Aunties? Mother? Whats going on?"
He asked confused

Grand madeleine ran to him and hugged him, "Oh thank divines your ok! Please don't do that again!"

Madeleine chuckled "Ok ok I won't mom"

Light fades into darkness (Evil! Light cream au)Where stories live. Discover now