Go To Work

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"Mommy?" Rose asked.

"Yes baby?" Scarlett replied.

"Can me and Luna go watch TV?" Rose asked.

"Did you finish eating?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah mommy we're done." Rose said.

"Then yeah just be careful and don't have the TV too high." Scarlett said as Rose jumped off the island. Rose lifts Luna off the island and carries her to the living room. Rose grabbed the remote and turned on the Avengers movie before sitting with Luna on the couch.

"Rose, don't do that again." Scarlett said, as Rose placed the remote on the table. Rose nodded and turned her attention back to the TV, Lizzie finished her food first and wiped off the island and the counters while Scarlett finished her food. Scarlett and Lizzie go on Lizzie's laptop and start shopping for clothes and necessities for Luna.

"Luna come here for a minute." Lizzie said. Luna carefully got off the couch and walked into the kitchen where Scarlett and Lizzie were seated.

"Yeah Wizzie." Luna said, coming next to her.

"Do you know what size clothes you are?" Lizzie asked.

"Um no, never get new cwothes." Luna revealed, looking down at the floor. Lizzie nodded and picked Luna up, placing Luna on her lap.

"Well that's gonna change, Lizzie and I were looking at clothes for you, do you wanna help us pick out the clothes?" Scarlett asked. Luna nodded and smiled at Scarlett.

What about Rose?" Luna asked.

"Do you want Rose in here with you?" Scarlett asked. Luna nodded again. Scarlett called for Rose who came running into the kitchen.

"Yeah mommy?" Rose asked, as she climbed on Scarlett's lap.

"Do you wanna help us pick out some clothes for Luna?" Scarlett asked. Rose nodded excitedly before looking at the laptop in front of her. The four of them sit at the table for a few hours picking out clothes and extras, they were finishing up from one store when Luna yawned and cuddled closer to Lizzie slowly falling asleep. Rose was still wide awake and ran off to her playroom to get rid of some energy, Scarlett closes the laptop and puts it away while Lizzie finds a way to get up from the chair without waking Luna. Luna wakes up as Lizzie brings her upstairs.

"Wizzie, where going?" Luna asked drowsily.

"I'm taking you to bed." Lizzie said, walking into Rose's room and attempting to place her on the bed.

"No stay wif Wizzie." Luna said, latching onto Lizzie's shirt.

"Luna I have to lay you down, it's bedtime you can't stay with me." Lizzie said, rubbing the young girl's arm.

"Liz, baby just let her stay with us tonight. Rose won't let me place her in her own bed so she's with us tonight anyway." Scarlett said, coming to the doorway with a tired Rose. Lizzie nodded and picked Luna back up and brought her to hers and Scarlett's room. Lizzie laid on the bed placing Luna on her chest before closing her eyes, she opened her eyes when she felt the bed shift and another weight be added to the other side of the bed.

"Go back to bed baby, it's just me." Scarlett said, laying next to Lizzie with Rose. Lizzie nodded and closed her eyes again this time falling asleep instantly. Scarlett smiled at how peacefully Lizzie looked and wrapped her arm around Rose using the other to pull Lizzie and Luna closer. Scarlett soon fell asleep dreading having to wake up in the morning. The morning came faster than expected, the alarm went off waking not only Scarlett but Luna too who jumped from the sudden noise. Scarlett picked Luna up quickly, bringing her out the room and calming her down.

"It's okay babes, it was just my alarm going off. There's nothing to be scared of." Scarlett said, holding Luna close. Luna was still trembling so Scarlett brought Luna with her to the closet finding a comfortable outfit for the day.

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