Chapter 2:
I decided to make another one since i think its a lil too short since I made the ch.1 at around 11:58/11:59 I was having a mental breakdown that time but ANYWAYS I'm fine now onto chapter 2!!
[a/n:] Based on my timeline lol. Took me a year to write ch 2. Im sorry my motivation just ran away for the whole year💀 (Also stupid school ┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\))
It's been a year since "that" happened
I haven't heard anything from him nor a word he used to tell me when I wake up from "our" bed. "It's been a while since I've seen you, Love". "Good morning..." "I miss you". "How are you"? "Are you doing fine there"? I- "TAKEMICHI-SAMA" Sanzu barge in the room, calling Takemichi 4 in the morning. "What.", "There's an intruder!!" "Where?" Takemichi followed Sanzu downstairs and saw the "Intruder", Takemichi's eyes widen as he saw the "Intruder" while all of the Bonten executives are pointing a gun at the so called "Intruder".Kakucho's POV:
"I-izana, How?! H-he Died, I saw it. He was shot. He saved me-"
Back to Takemichi's POV:
"Izana. What are you doing here?"
"Take- Mitchy, You know why I'm here!"
"Please, don't call me that."
"And why not?"
"I don't have time to argue, what do you want?"
"I came to visit my "Brother's Loving Boyfriend", for his own will~"
"Ka- ku- cho! Did you miss me?!"
"I di-"
Izana suddenly kissed Kakucho without a warning, everyone was shock even Kakucho.
"Oi oi oi, Izana. Don't make out in front of everyone, get a fucking room! Idiot"
"Geez, Mk. Where's your room Kaku~"
"Ugh. Fuck you, im leaving."
"Same"(RinZu) followed by the others
No one's POV:
Pretty much everyone left, Kakucho and Izana is the only one left. In Kakucho's room, "So Kaku how have you been doing? I bet ya miss me did ya?" Izana let out a slight chuckle and pushed Kaku down the bed. "C'mon. You don't have to hide it, I know you do!" Kakucho turn his gazed on the lampshade beside the bed to avoid eye contact with Izana. Izana grabbed Kakucho's chin and made him look at him forcefully, Kaku tried to look away but Izana is too strong,"Kaku-cho~. Why are you averting your gaze??". Kakucho's face turn red when Izana said his name like that,"What do you want?" Kakucho said as his tone change, Izana went to Kakucho's ear and whispered, "I want... This~~" as he grab Kaku's ass and squeezing it hard making the latter flinched. "Nghh~" Kakucho moaned softly as Izana continue to playfully squeeze Kaku's ass.
"What's up Kaku? We haven't even started"
"St- uh..."
Izana formed a smirk as he kept teasing him
"And yet... You're already dripping wet~"Kakucho's moans began to become louder as Izana continue to tease him more.
"Oh Kaku~ did you miss master that much?"As Kaku's moans bacame louder and louder, Izana went for his pants and removed his belt, "Seems like your enjoy this moment Kaku~ Here's a lil surprise for you~" Izana pulled a fist full of Kaku's hair and dragged him near his manhood "Suck it pup~"
Kaku licked the tip, but Izana pushed Kaku down and made him 😳
(The End.)
(Gawk Gawk Gawk Gawk)
(Im sorry Im really goofy rn)After all of that \(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
The Next DayKakucho woke up to get a glass of water when he fell down and felt a pain at his back, 'Ah- WTH?',"KAKU, ARE YOU OK?! WHY ARE YOU ON THE FLOOR?!", Kaku wasn't sure if it was just a dream. A wet dream, but Izana was indeed Infront of him. He started to tear up because his king, best friend, his long time crush is really alive. Infront of him, "KAKU?!, What's wrong?? Why are you crying?","I- I thought- you", "Died?", Kakucho broke down in tears.
Takemichi POV:
I heard crying from Kaku-chan's room, I went to peeked a little and heard them having their moments. Decided to eavesdrop for a little and heard them have a conversation, Not really an interesting one. Very boring... I was about to leave but I heard Mikey's name being mentioned. I freeze for a moment.. and went back to eavesdropping them. "Mikey.. actually told me not to tell anyone else about it but I can't hold it in any longer...", I heard Kaku-chan said. "What are they talking about...". As I was bout to ruin their moments...

Goodbye, My lover (Takemichi x Mikey) [TakeMai] Angst
Fanfiction(Cover photo is not mine credits to the rightful owners +Characters) [TakeMai Angst] Character used: Hanagaki Takemichi (Top) Manjiro "Mikey" Sano (Bottom) Takemichi is the one leading Bonten now following Mikey's footsteps. ♪Additional info♪ LEMME...