429.The Relationship Between Jaehyun and Kook?

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Eunha did not expect Jaehyun to lie through his teeth. She trembled in anger and said, “Brother Jae, you’re too much!”

“You were the one who asked this young master to speak up.” Jaehyun smiled coldly. “I can’t possibly help you just because Lisa is ugly, and you’re a little beautiful, can I?”

With the way he spoke, even the people, who were suspicious, immediately changed their minds and assumed that Eunha was lying.

Despite Eunha’s aggrieved appearance, Lisa’s heart did not soften in the slightest.

She was certain that the damned bitch had many more vicious schemes in her mind.

However, she had clearly expected Jaehyun to stand on Eunha’s side, considering their conflict.

She had assumed that the class would be split in their opinion and intended to let the students believe whatever they chose to believe.

But Jaehyun’s actions caused her to re-appraise him.

Since he helped her this time, from now onwards, as long as he did not provoke her again, she would forget all their previous conflicts.

Eunha left the classroom with reddened eyes. She stepped into the hallway and took a photo of the bouquet of flowers through the window.

Lisa easily noticed her actions.

Was her second sister trying to make it obvious that she was sending the photos to Jungkook? She would let her do as she pleased.

At this moment, Lisa’s phone pinged. It was a message from Jungkook.

[Do you like them?]

Lisa was smart and immediately understood his meaning.

She responded with a question: [You bought these flowers for me?]

Jungkook responded directly: [En.]

Lisa’s heart was enveloped in a sweet joy.

She recorded a voice message for him. [“Jungkook, why did you decide to buy me roses?”]

The great CEO, who was both cool and manly, finally had some romantic ideas.

His cold and heavy voice did not contain much warmth. In truth, it was because he felt threatened: [I bought them because I wanted to.]

Jaehyun, that stinky little brat, clearly could not compete with him in any way. Yet, he had an edge because of him being young and similar aged as Lisa.

On the other hand, he was older than her by six years.

If any other men had dared to look at his woman, he would already have killed him.

Yesterday, he had only arranged for Jaehyun to be tossed into the lake to reflect on his actions. But, the old woman back home called to nag at him for more than an hour.

If Jaehyun could stay obedient, he would not invite trouble for his ears again.

Lisa sweetly responded to Jungkook with three words: [I love them.]

Jaehyun’s gaze was sharp and he noticed her messages. “I didn’t expect these flowers to come from Jungkook.”

“There are a lot of things which you wouldn’t be able to imagine.” Lisa shot him a look of disdain.

For example, he was seated right next to an absolute beauty yet he unknowingly addressed her as ‘ugly’ over and over again.

In a few days, when her scars fully faded and she wiped off the medicine, his face would be beaten up in humiliation.

Lisa happily hugged the bouquet, which was even bigger than her, and went out of the classroom.

“Hey, Lisa, didn’t you say you were throwing the roses away? That’s too much of a waste. Why don’t you give it to the girls in class?” Someone shouted at her while she was moving out. “There are 999 roses. Everyone will be able to get a small bunch if distributed properly.”

She waved her hand. “No, this is my first time receiving flowers. I’m keeping them.”

Jaehyun looked on gloomily as she left in joy. He smashed his fist against his table in anger.

If he had known she liked roses, he would have bought ten bouquets for her!

He was prideful. Now that Jungkook was one step ahead, he naturally could not use the same methods.

Lisa returned to her dormitory and was struggling as she held the bouquet.

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