2🌸 A little touch of fondness

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Sara sat on a bench in the backyard, her eyes fixed on a soccer match. As the players moved across the field, her mind continued to replay the morning incident, the echo of his words adding an unexpected layer to the sports spectacle before her. Then, Ishan hit the back of her head, breaking the trance of her thoughts.

"Ah...What the hell!" Sara exclaimed, holding the back of her head.
"Exactly what the hell!? Why were you late? Lost in BTS daydreaming again and fantasizing about a date with them, right?!" Ishan teased.
"Shut up, Ishan! Actually...I forgot the smartwatch at home, due to which I had to travel back home...!" Sara complained.
"That's why I always say come with me. But nooo! Your ego of doing things alone." Ishan nagged.
"That's not ego. It's self-dependence."
"Really! Oh, good lord! When did this kiddo grow so much!" Ishan joked.
"Don't worry, I'll pick you up. You don't need to rush ." He added.
"I can manage," Sara replied, making a serious face.
"Sah... We are neighbors; it's not like I'm taking a detour..!"
"No," she said, standing up, and heading to history class.
"Okay then, don't ever come to me for a drive back home!" Ishan warned, playfully following her.

Ishan and Sara, neighbors since kindergarten, shared a unique bond that evolved from a childhood rescue. One day, a three-year-old Ishan got into a fight with older boys in school. It was Sara who rescued him by tackling those boys, fighting fearlessly even though she herself was a kid. Little Ishan got attracted to her fierce attitude and extended his hand for the friendship. From that time, Ishan had never left Sara's side. Each year, their bond grew stronger while his feelings of friendship changed into fondness.

Ever since Sara lost her parents, Ishan and his family took care of her education as Sara's grandmother's income from the cafe wasn't enough to support her.
Sara always had Ishan's back whenever she felt a need for a person whom she could rely on blindly, while for Ishan, Sara was an end to his solitude. As he grew up with working parents, he never got his parents' sole attention, but with Sara, things felt nice to him.

Ishan was admiring Sara unknowingly when the bell rang off and the history class got over. Sara got up and started packing her stuff, and then one of her classmates, Nia, came to her.

"Hi!" Nia greeted with a smile.

Niharika, aka Nia, epitomizes style among her classmates, effortlessly blending richness with an extroverted charm. Her luscious, straight lavender hair, adorned with bangs and an embellished hairband, complements her fashion-forward choices.
She wears a tucked-in white t-shirt paired with a sleek black pencil skirt, layered with a front-open cardigan that gracefully matches the skirt's length. Completing her ensemble, chunky black loafers, accompanied by white socks, add a touch of sophistication.

While her opulent appearance may seem distant, Nia's true nature is marked by generosity and a penchant for connecting with those offering genuine love and care. Despite projecting a bold and strong exterior, she carefully weighs her words, avoiding harshness.
Nia's vibrant extroversion has garnered her a plethora of friends from various departments, providing her with a wealth of gossip that she occasionally shares with her extensive social circle.

"I am Nia. Nice to meet you!" she said, extending her hand for a handshake.
"I am Sara..." she replied, accepting the handshake with a careful grip as she looked at Nia's expensive nail extensions, which might have taken ages to get perfectly done.
"Sarah... What a cool name! Just like your smartwatch!" Nia remarked. "Haan? Ah..Thanks!" says Sara, looking at her watch with a smile hiding a lot behind.
"Why don't we get along!? Umm... do you use social media? Let's connect over there." Nia suggested, taking out her expensive phone.
"I...I don't use social media." Sara revealed.
"What! Oh my God! You are one in a million! I can't do without social media. I feel lonely. Don't you feel the same!?" Nia asked in curiosity.
"No, being real and alive is better than being in photos.." Sara explained.
"Aha! Your choice of words is just killer!" Nia exclaimed, releasing a quick sigh. "By the way, that professor was too harsh on you. You know what, rumors are going around the corner about him being violent!" Nia shared in a gossipy tone, coming closer to Sara's ears.

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