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Amanda's Pov   

The more I touched my neck, the more furious I'm, but why on earth did I sleep in such position? even though I never planned on falling asleep, I just want to rest since I got tired of standing up so long but I ended up falling asleep.

I throw the door open in angger making it make some terrifying sound, Alesha jerked up from the single white couch she sat on, the popcorn in between her lap fall to the floor and scattered on the ground.

She glanced up at me and her eyes shot out, her lips was parted a wide gasp and she stared at me like a dummy.

"Amanda." She forced out after regaining her lost voice. She stride closer to me in a small step.

"What...what the hell?" Her voice came out low and shocking, a light hiss left my mouth as the previous scene replayed in my head.

I walked past her and plummed on the couch she stood up from, she sat on the arm and gawked at my neck.
"What happened to you?" She voice out trying to overcome the shock she was, she tried to reached out to my neck and I moved back.
"Long story." I said dismissevely and rolled my eyes tired.

"Long story?" She frowned.

I knew she won't leave me alone until she heard it all.
"Geez!" I breathe removing my gaze from the TV and back to her.

"I have the most worst experience today."
"Any words more than worst is acceptable." My voice rising up as every details of today rushed to my head.

"Why are you getting worked up suddenly?" Alesha asked, worry lace in her voice as she stared deeply at me.

"Why is your neck casted? Why did you look like?..gosh! I didn't know." She said frustrated.

"You won't believe what had happened to me today?" I started with eye roll.


"He sent you to the toilet?" Alesha yelled almost falling down from the couch, she regained her balance and stand on her feet.

"I'm freaking telling you."

"And?" She asked impatiently.

"Then I dozed up unintentionally in an awkward position, woke up with a broken neck, then he offered to take me to the hospital."

"He had no choice.." Alesha cut in harsh tone, her eyes was burning with slight fury, her palm folded in a tight fist as she tapped the ground impatiently, the heat emitting from her body can literally boil a water, I'm serious; she is damn furious. I fear what would have happened to Damon if he was here.

"You wanna know the worst part of it?" I scoffed angrily.

"Of course, my blood is boiling already." She snapped impatiently.

"Then he burst into a teasing laugh after this damn thing was put on my neck."

"He did what?" Her voice booked across the room and a loud bang go in my ear at her loud furious voice.

"What gut, audacity, nerves, and freaking power did he processed to laugh at what he caused?" She screamed into the space.
I exhale loudly, petty scared at the Alesha that was in my front, she didn't used to get mad but when she did, she destroyed almost everything with her loud voice. And who use such same words at the same time, gut, audacity and nerves in a damn sentence.

"Calm down." I said lowly and she shook her head indicating.

"After seeing him laugh, I got very mad and pounced on him destroying his face." I completed and a loud satisfying exhale left her mouth.

She inhale and exhale before she sat on the couch adjacent to mine.

"You need to be careful of him from now on." She warned and I nodded.

Definitely, I need to do that if I want to live long.
But I can't keep sitting at home, the money with us will soon finish and that will be so bad for us.

"You are going to lose the pregnancy if you keep going like this." She added and I draw back.

Did I want that for myself?

"Did you want that for yourself?" She asked like she was reading my mind.

Though I don't think I'm ready to become a mother now but I don't want to lose my first child.

"Did you?" She asked again peering into my eyes.

"No." I shook my head negatively.

"Then freaking stay at home and rest." She scolded and I whimpered lowly.

I don't know what was happening to me recently? But I teared up at any slight scold.

"I get it; you are not ready to be a mother but no one is ready to be mother in life."
"Did you wanna get rid of it by stress?" She scolded standing up and i sniffed lowly.

"I love you so much than to lose you." Her voice getting soft as she approached me, she sat on the chair arm and pulled me closer to her body.

As I contact with her body, the tears I was holding burst out like it was pinched by a needle.
I cried endlessly on her shoulder while she patted my back.

"It's okay." She cooed.
"Just be more careful of him from now." She adviced and I sniffed unable to answer her.

"We will be okay, we will go through this phase and overcome it." She assured, her voice becoming low and I know she is holding back her tears because of me.

"Those billionaires will do nothing to do us." She promised firmly and I sniffed louder.

She pulled away from the hug and stared at my face.

"Geez! You look ugly." She joked and I laughed.

"Look at those tears and mucus." She teased and I frowned picking the throw pillow and threw one at her which she dodge.

"You are ugly; you are ugly, you are ugly." She chanted playfully and I glared at her.

She stick her tongue at me and I shook my head.

"Don't let me catch you." I warned before I went after her.

"You wish." She yelled in between her laugh and I smile.

She wanna lift my mood and she did.

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