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Next day

Ayumi woke up from noises that came out of Loids room as the girl entered the room. She saw Anya and what looked like Loid spy things on the floor. She sighed and said,"What are you doing Anya? And where is loid?" The said girl flinched but sighed in relief when she saw her older sister "Ohayo Umi-nee! Chi Chi is out I wanted to come but he said no! Can you believe that?! So I wanted to follow him but every time he caught me! Our Chi Chi is very good in hide and seek! In the I couldn't open the anymore!" She pouted. "And what is this?" The older girl pointed at the things on the floor. "This are the spy things from Chi Chi but they are boring it doesn't do anything!" Ayumi looked the thing and gasped "Anya! This is a community machine you could have send our location to people!", "Huh don't worry Umi-nee. Anya is sur-"


The sisters looked at each other in panic. "Anya we have to hide!" As Ayumi wanted to use her power to hide them she was knocked out.


With Loid

"And that's because you're late?" Asked a guy with curly hair and glasses also known as Franky the panting man in front of him. "In the end I had to do a barricade", "You can be reported for child abuse man", the spy just ignored him and asked "Do you have that what I asked you?" Franky took out two folders, "It was a little difficult but I found them. It wasn't really easy." Loid took the two folders the shorter man continued "They were in four different orphanges and six forster families." Franky listed all surnames that Anya and Ayumi had. "Seems you three have what in common. Father like daughter." Loid scoffed. "But I found something more about the eldest. It seems so that she was in a labor since her birth, her parents gave her away." This took the spys interest, "What was that for a labor", "I think it was a labor where they tested on children and it seems so that she was the only one who survived. I would assume that she flew and met Anya in the orphange, and they became sisters." Loid just nodded completely lost in his own toughts. It makes all sense now for him why his eldest daughter has trust issues.  He is also concerned about her mental help and if it's possible for Ayumi to have powers or what she were tested on. That's because he unbeknownst swore to him self to protect Ayumi  and help her. But what he didn't know that  Anya was also in the labor.

When he wanted to go Franky stopped him, "Oh! Don't get attached to them especially to that Ayumi. It wouldn't be and good."


As Ayumi woke up her head hurted when she looked around she saw that Anya was surrounded by men who must have kidnapped them. She was in panic. Maybe that were experimenting on her even though they are dead she is scared that somebody will take them again. She wanted to scream or cry or both but couldn't because of the rope in her mouth. A guy noticed this and pointed his gun on her head. "Shut up or I kill you, you brat!" This caused Anya to snap  her to her older sister, she wanted to scream at her for help but all what came out was a muffled tone.

Ayumi were so in panic that she flinched when loid came in disguise and took Anya without her. She widden her eyes in shock. Did they forgot about her or don't they care her?
Suddenly the bad guys came running towards her. But all she could was cry and remember time where she was in the labor. "Don't hurt me!" Uncontrollable she activated her power. And this moment loid came to save her. But was shocked. The men were blown away from her. While she sat on the screaming and crying  but she looked up to see loid, "You came", "Of course I came you are my daughter" he picked her up and hugged her.

Ayumi were crying silently and apologized repeatedly in loid arms while he carried her out of the building. She eventually calmed down. It hurts loid to see you in pain but he was also shocked that you have actually powers. The spy wanted to talk about that with her when they are back at their home.

"Chi Chi,  Umi-nee!!!!!!!!" Anya came running to loid and hugged his legs. He picked her up while Ayumi was still in his arms now he his two daughters in his arms. "I want to go home" , "Are you sure?", he asked his youngest daughter "Yeah, or Anya and Umi-nee are going to cry" Ayumi just nodded tiredly, "Okay let's go home"

When the trio was in the train, Anya sat beside him and Ayumi sat on the other side beside him while she leaned her on his shoulder. "We are moving I saw a snake today so it's better If we move out", loid told the girls the new information, "I don't like snakes" The older girl just nodded.

"Chi Chi is a liar! But a cool liar!"


Ayumi was currently standing in front of a confused teacher " I am done with the test" this shocked the teacher including the the other candidates who were writing the entries exam for the eden academy. The silver haired girl was finished just in ten minutes and if she has to be honest it was easy. She just gave the the teacher her paper and left.

Loid who is waiting for the girls was worried as he saw Ayumi walking towards him and rushed immediately to her, "Why are you out? Kicked they you out?", "I am finished", the man was baffled "Really?" ,"Yeah".


Now here they are searching for Anya and Ayumis number. "K212. K213....." and here he saw them Anyas and ayumis number. "You both got in!!!!", he threw first Anya and then Ayumi in the air "Yay! We got in Chi Chi!" , "I am glad Tou-san!" Loid fell then on the grass "Chi Chi!"


They were in their home and Anya fell asleep while Ayumi and loid were in the living room because Loid wanted to speak to her. "Ayumi I wanted to talk to you about what happened when Anya and you were kidnapped. I saw what you did" this made her flinch, "A-are you giving me away?", "What?!! No!" This made her sigh in relief. "Aren't you scared or ashamed of me?" She asked while looking away and tears treating to fall but felt arms around her and looked up,"Ayumi I am not scared of you in any way. I now where you came from and what hey did to you. And I promise that I will protect you." ,"Thanks Tou-san" She hugged him back. She was now thinking if it's a good idea to say that she knows his secret and so far she knows loid thinks only she has power which is good because she want to protect Anya.

But decide against it, she wants to wait.
She wants to enjoy all the moments she got with her family.


Hello humans!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I have some ideas for some FanFics and I want to know what you want to read. If you read it. I am very thankful to the people who actually read this so you can have a cookie 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Anyway here are some animes were I have ideas for a FanFic


Seven deadly sins


Tokyo revengers


Assassination classroom

Komi can't communicate

Demon slayer / Kny


Please say which one you like and with which person!

Have a good day!

Love Kirschopf

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