"What are ya so nervous about?" Meri asked as I was pacing back and forth in the warehouse.
"I want to ask her tonight, but I'm afraid I'm going to screw it up!" I turned to Meri. "This is the first relationship I have ever been in and I don't want to ruin this one special moment. Because if I screw it up, I can't get it back! I can't redo it over again."
"My Queen," Junkrat spoke. "Since the two of ya love one another very much from what I see, even if ya do mess it up, she'll still love ya."
"Will she?"
"Of course she will," he said. "She loves ya for who ya are, right? Flaws and all."
"Flaws and all," I whispered. "I supposed ya have a point, Fawkes."
"Whatever you choose to do and when you ask her, even if you slip up, just shows her how much you care for her," Hammond's mech said.
I nodded my head, "Alrighty then, might as well get things planned out. Will ya cover for me, Meri?"
"I got ya covered."
"Thanks, guys," I said and ran out of the warehouse.
I walked towards the warehouse to see the door was wide open and the others inside were already getting to work. Heading in, I looked around to see Odessa wasn't there. Today was the day she said she'd help out in the warehouse and take a break from her duties as Queen. It was fine though, something must have come up and needed to be taken care of. I didn't mind, or so I thought.
"G'day, everyone," I smiled and walked inside.
They all greeted me and I saw there was something on my workbench. Walking towards it, it was an order for a custom weapon from someone in the town. It looked pretty elaborate, but I got started on it right away, heading over to where the scraps and sheets of metal were. While I was working, Junkrat was testing our some new explosives, which I told him to test them outside and not in the warehouse. Roadhog went with him and I heard explosions going off for about an hour straight before they came back inside.
"Did it turn out like ya wanted, Junkrat?" I asked.
"Not exactly, but with some tweaks, I am sure it will be perfect."
I snickered under my breath as I watched him get excited over explosives. It reminded me of how Odessa got 'excited' when she would beat someone up when protecting me. The thought of her not being here came back, which I tried to shake away, but I wasn't able to. I let out a sigh and returned back to my workbench, occupying my thoughts with getting work done today. Lunch time came around and I sat around with the others and we ate. I asked Meri where Odessa was, in which she responded with that Odessa was taking care of a civil matter. I guess that did take long to settle if it was between two people or something of the sorts. It still bothered me, though. The sun dipped down into the horizon and everyone was finished with their work, leaving only me to remain and work on the order. It was half way complete, but there was still much more that needed to be done. I let out a deep breath and sat on the stool, giving my tired feet a rest. Peering outside, the town lights had turned on and it illuminated the area I was in.
Something, however, caught my eye. There was something on the ground. I took off my apron and set it on the stool. Grabbing my keys, I walked towards the door to see there were flower petals on the ground. I turned and closed the door, putting the lock in place, and I locked up the warehouse. Bending down, I picked up a petal to see it was a rose petal. There was a trail of them that led who knows where. I made sure I had my swords before following the trail. It led me to the main centeral area of Junkertown. It was usually bustling with people at night, but there was no one here. The trail ended at the fountain, which there was a large cluster of them on the ledge. Walking over to it, I sat down and looked around, wondering what the hell was going on.
"Long day, yeah?"
I turned to where the voice came from and Odessa walked out from the shadows, holding the metal flowers I had made for her in the Wastelands.
"How did your civil matters go?" I asked, standing up.
"It took longer than expected, sorry, Y/N," she said, now standing a few inches away from me.
"It's alright," I said. "At least you're safe."
"Anything new with the repair shop?"
"A new custom order, but that was about it."
"Do you mind if we talk?" she asked, gesturing to the edge of the fountain.
"Y-Yeah," I said.
We both sat down and she looked down at the metal flowers in her hands, "I remember my father giving my mother flowers on their anniversary. It had been such a long time since I had seen real flowers instead of fake ones."
"They're pretty, aren't they?" I asked, picking up the rose petals, letting the wind blow them into the water beside us.
"Y/N, there's something I need to tell ya."
"What's up, Dez?" I asked, looking into those amber eyes of hers, getting lost in them once more.
She reached over and held onto my hand. This was the first time I felt her tremble.
"A-Are ya nervous about somethin', Dez?"
"N-No," she smiled nervously. "Just a bit of an adrenaline rush. Y/N, you are my everything. I don't want to lose ya. If I did, I don't know what I would do without ya. Ya helped me get to where we are now and again, I couldn't have done it without your support. The minute we started training together, I knew there was something special about ya. I didn't know what it was, but when we went to the oasis that night, I finally understood what was so special. Ya made me feel something I thought I would never feel in a million years. I can't deny you my feelings anymore and you know how much I love ya. Y/N."
She set the metal flowers in my lap and reached behind her, pulling something out. Laying in the palm of her hand was a ring. It wasn't anything too fancy, which I wasn't that kind of person. It was a silver band that had small bits of diamond in it.
"Will ya be my queen?" she asked, a cheeky smile appeared on her face.

Queen's Princess
Fanfiction~THIS IS A JUNKER QUEEN X FEM READER~ Being forced into the Wastelands yourself, your family had a tough time getting by with the harsh conditions outside of Junker Town. While scavenging for anything that was edible and drinkable, others who are ou...