Chapter 10.1

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The girls breath hitched as they entered what looked like a study. Bookshelves piled high on either side of them. Straight ahead was a floor to wall window gazing out towards the city they just walked through.  Dark brown couches and chairs were scattered around the room with tables filled with papers and books. Oh this is going to be heaven for Arianna. Raine glanced at Arianna she was right, Her eyes were glowing with excitement. The sound of a chair moving broke her from the thought. Raine looked ahead to see a huge desk and a lone purple cushioned chair. Who stood their were two older looking people. A man about five ten with a short dark brown buzz cut.  He looked like he would be around fifty give or take a few years. though there were few wrinkles that could be seen, showing his age. His eyes were a gentle blue and a warm smile fell on his face. He was dressed in a long sleeve blue dress shirt, a black sweater vest and black dress pants. Raine was thinking this was more of a casual look than a formal one. Next to him a woman with golden hair stood a little taller than him in a matching blue midi dress with three quarter sleeves. It looked slim on her even though she was a bigger woman. Her long wavy hair was nicely done up in a half- do, her smile was beautiful and made her green eyes sparkle. Yeah, Xavier got his looks from her for sure. "Welcome home my sons!" The authoritative voice vanished and a voice of a proud father came out. 

"Welcome home my boys" The Queen's voice was warm and gentle.  

The boys walked out in front of them and bowed "Mother, Father."  Raine looked at the others and Arianna nodded looking down saying to follow her. As she gracefully brought a leg back in a curtsy. The others followed suit, Arianna had some practice meeting her parents clients as a sign of respect. Though Raine was not as flexible as Yazmin and Nevaeh she struggled to hold the balance. She felt a hand on her hip to steady her. Arianna even though her eyes were down must have noticed and helped her out. Thank you Arianna for making sure I don't embarrass myself. 

"Pleased to meet you, your Majesties." Arianna said. 

"Your majesties." The other girls followed suit. 

They all heard some shuffling and Raine glanced up to see the King and Queen standing in front of the desk now. "Welcome to our home Ladies. Please, you may rise." The King  said. The girls exhaled the breath they were all holding as they stood. "I would like to start off with an introduction. My name is Charles and this is my wife Marie." He bowed slightly as she gave a slight curtsy. The girls didn't know how to respond but nodded acknowledging them. 

"We welcome you to our home" Marie said. 

"Thank you" Arianna said politely. Raine looked and she could see her clench her jaw slightly, must be a reflex. 

"Now I know you all must be wondering what is going on, you must also have so many questions. Unfortunately I would like to explain everything that is why I asked my boys to be as discreet as possible. I feel like I could explain it a bit better than my sons could." Charles said almost as if scripted. He must have practiced what he would say. "So please let's all have a seat, I know it's late but I would like to let you know that you are safe here. Then we can show you your rooms for the night." 

"Of course, your Majesties." Arianna spoke up for all of them. Thank goodness she has some knowledge on how to act,  Raine and the others were still too nervous to say anything. 

"Please, you need not be formal with us, just call us Charles and Marie." Marie chimed. "We want you to feel as comfortable as possible, even though we are extremely grateful that you all are trying to be formal." 

"Xavier." Charles called out and looked at the chairs. Before walking to the other side of the desk to take a seat. Marie went and took a seat in the purple chair. 

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