Chapter 38

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BangChan's POV

Ten pulled in front of my house and put the car in park.
Mason stayed back to help clean up and Rosie wanted to stay with Lisa.

What happened tonight was so fucked up.

"Thanks for driving me home you didn't have to." He smiled and looked over at me "Anytime BangChan. I'm sorry about my crazy ass family."

I laughed "It wasn't that bad. Everyone's family has their own problems you know. Ours just has a little more than others." He said chuckling softly.

"It was nice meeting you though, I hope I'll see you again."
He smiled "Oh trust me you will. You got my number. Use it." I blushed and nodded. I opened the door and got out but before I closed the door he spoke again.

"If your boyfriend is being an ass, call me. I'll kick is ass for you."He winked.

I laughed "You'll be kicking his ass often then. See you later." I said closing the door. I stepped back from the door and watched him pull off.

I sighed and turned around. Speaking of my boyfriend. Who isn't my boyfriend by the way.

"Who the fuck was that?"

I frowned "What happened to hello? How are you? My name is?"

"Cut the crap BangChan?! You fucking ignore me all day and blow me off for some guy I've never even seen around here I mean what the fuck?" I scoffed "You have no fucking right coming here. To my house. And asking me all these questions like we're in a relationship or something." I said walking around him so I could unlock the door.

He grabbed my arm and twisted me around "The fuck do you mean 'Like we're in a relationship' We practically are so excuse me for being a little pissed off about you coming home with some rando." I rolled my eyes and sighed "This is my home. I didn't tell you to show up here and wait for me." I said simply.

"SO what you don't wanna do this anymore?"

"Chanyeol you just need to get your shit together. And we are not in a relationship until I ask you or you ask me. And if you ask, it's a no. I'm sorry, you just really hurt my feelings, I just want some time." I said then without listening to anymore, I went inside the house.

Lisa's POV

"You gonna be okay?"

I smiled and turned to Rosie "I'm fine. If you wanna go home you can go home, I'm okay." I said but honestly I think I'm far from it.

I just found out that my mother isn't my mother, but my aunt. A shitty aunt at that. And now I have a shitty cousin too, but I have a dad. And Chitthip said he didn't want me. Is that true?

I mean I've always been close to Uncle Skyler. He always called me and checked on me often, now I know why I guess.

"Angel I know you aren't fine. You don't have to lie to me, it's okay to be sad or angry. So do you want me to stay?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around her hugging her "I knew you wanted me to stay." She said playfully.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of her embrace. I looked towards the door and took a deep breathe. "I'll be right out here if you need anything Lisa. Anything."

I smirked "Anything?" She rolled her eyes and pushed me towards the door playfully "Go in the room Lisa."

"Alright alright" I said then opened the door, walking into my father's room.

I turned the small corner and saw him sitting up in the hospital bed. He smiled "Hi Lisa"

I gave him a small smile "Hi Uncle-I mean umm I-" I chuckled dryly scratching my nape. "It's okay Lisa. Call me whatever you feel comfortable with."

I nodded and walked over to his bed, sitting on the chair by his bed. "So are you okay?"

He sighed and shook his head no. "I had a stroke tonight."
"Okay what does that mean? You have high cholesterol or something. Just watch what you eat"

"Lisa I have a tumor on my heart that is inoperable." I frowned "So w-what are you saying. There's nothing they can do?"

He shook his head "No. They can't do anything." "So they're just gonna let you die?!"

Tears filled the man's blue eyes "There's nothing they can do sweetheart. I- I should have told you that I am your dad sooner." He said sadly, his voice wavering through out the sentence.

I shook my head feeling hot tears rolled down my face "N- no there has to be something. Some kind of medication or- or-something- Skyler please you can't leave me" I cried. "Come sit over here"

I stood up and sat on the edge of his bed, he pulled me into his chest and I broke down, crying into his gown. "I know it hurts sweetheart but I'm alive right now. I'm here now so we can't think about the future and how things will be. Let's live now, in the moment."

I sat up "H-how much time do you have?"

He sighed "A few months at best" I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched his gown in my fists.

It's not fair. It's not fucking fair! I just found out he's my father and now he's being taken from me! Why can't Chitthip get heart cancer or Nayeon's shitty father or ex. Or any other dirt bag. Why do the good ones always get punished. I don't want to wish death on anyone but if I had to choose between Skyler and a rude dickhead, I'd choose Skyler in a heart beat.

"Skyler I can't lose you, please don't leave me"

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