27 - Love til Death

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As we're laying there I can't stop thinking about my feelings for him

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As we're laying there I can't stop thinking about my feelings for him.

I love him.

I love Lucien Aresius Valentino.

I've never been in love with anyone before and it's scary. Especially because I have no clue what Lucien's feelings are towards me. Maybe I'm just just a way to pass the time for him.

But he told me he's mine and I'm his.

What does that even mean for him? I hope it means he's not going to leave me. I hope it means we have eachother for as long as we are both breathing. I hope it means I can continue waking up beside him every morning and falling asleep beside him every night.

I hope it means he loves me too.

"What's wrong love?" Lucien whispers pulling me from my thoughts, he leaves a gentle kiss on my neck.


"I can practically hear your brain working. What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"It's nothing," I say biting my lip.

"Don't do that baby. Don't lie to me, you know you can tell me anything," he says.

I bite my lip nervously before I talk. "What happens after all this is over Lucien? When the mission is done," I ask.

He stays quiet for a moment, the only thing I can hear is our faint breaths. "You want to know what I hope happens?" He says after a while.

I nod and hug his arm tighter.

"I hope you'll stick with me, I hope you won't leave me. I want to spend every moment I have with you," he says. My heart beat speeds up and I can't bring myself to say anything. "My heart belongs to you Nirah. Even if you don't want it, it'll be yours forever," Lucien says.

This is the most vulnerable I've ever seen him. He's opening up to me. Admitting his feelings, hoping I won't break them.

"You mean it?" I whisper slightly in shock, I can bearly hear my voice through the thumb of my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

Suddenly a loud alarm goes off cutting off any thoughts. I think it might be in my imagination for a minute before Lucien quickly sits up, I follow after him.

I notice the T.V in the corner of room turn on. It flashes white a few times before the houses CCTV comes on the screen.

There's soldiers outside the house, masses of them hop out of vans kitted with guns.

It's Angelos men.

The Silencer has found us.

"Shit!" Lucien shouts he gets off the bed and runs to his bag. I get up us to and run to him. He pulls out my clothes and hands them to me, I take them and put them on as quick as I can while he puts on his.


He takes out two guns and gives me one and I grab a knife too. I hear the front door being knocked down and look to Lucien.

"Nirah. You need to get out of here, go through the window and run, I'll stay here and keep them back for a little while," he says holding my face in urgency.

I shove him off of me, "Are you fucking crazy?" I whisper shout. "You'll die Lucien. I'm staying with you."

"I can't loose you too Nirah," he says. "I can't," he whispers.

"We either both go or we both stay Lucien. I'm not loosing you either," I say angrily.

I hear footsteps running through the house and they're getting closer. "God damn it," Lucien shouts slamming his fist on the wall.

I look at the CCTV on the screen there's men around the whole building. "We won't get away, our only chance is to stay and fight," I say.

He looks back at me as he gains his control again. He's focused, like he usually is in a mission. This time there's a little more in his eyes though. This isn't the same kind of cool, confident focus he usually has. He looks prepared to do anything.

If he does something stupid I'm going to murder his dumb ass.

"You need to stay next to me at all times okay? We stick together," he says.

I nod and we both get up against the wall, at opposite sides of the door, with our guns ready as we hear men getting closer.

There's a lot of them. I don't think we're going to be making it out. Not this time.

I'm not afraid of death, but for the first time in my life I'm afraid I'm not going to be here to live.

To really live, not just survive like I've been doing.

The only thing I've had to live for since my parents died was my revenge against Angelo, the Silencer.

That's what fed me and kept me alive.

That thing has changed now. I'm no longer fueled by my need for revenge. I look at Lucien and he's already staring at me.

He seems strangely calm now.

"You do whatever you need to do to get out of here. Do you understand that, Nirah? I don't know what he wants but whatever happens you need to get out," Lucien says.

The men are only seconds from finding us.

"You're scaring me Lucien. Please don't do something stupid."

"I'm not going to do anything stupid love," he assures me. He nods, a silent way of asking me if I'm ready. I nod back and then the door flies open.

The room fills with armed men and my brain automatically goes into auto pilot.

Blood splatters all over the room, which lay peaceful only moments ago.

I don't think any of it is mine or Lucien's but I'm too high on adrenaline to realise.

I shoot a few of the men before my gun is knocked out of my hand. I take my knife and start to use it as I fight the swarm around me.

I kick a now dead man off me before I spin around and fight another one. A lot of them have riot gear on so it's harder to cut them in the right places.

I've learned to work around that though.

I block a punch coming at my head then stab the side of his throat, blood springs out and he falls into the sea of body's.

As I move to the next soldier my eyes land on Lucien. He's okay still. Fighting the men that are appearing from the door.

I kick the next man in his side and it makes him stumble so I kick him backwards.

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