I'm back.

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November 19th.

Alessia's POV:

Leah and I have been officially together for a few weeks now, and it's been incredible. We've grown closer than ever. I text and facetime Amanda every day, and she treats me like one of her own, which makes me feel beyond loved. We're still not officially out to the fans yet, but as soon as we get that Euros win, you can bet I will be kissing Lee there and then.

My 'mum' has attempted to get into contact with me a couple of times since my injury against Belgium, but I've chosen to ignore her. We've played two matches, against Belgium and Sweden, and they went better than expected. I ended up hurting my ankle against Belgium as I mentioned, so I've been out of training for a week. One of their players did the dirtiest of tackles on me, and I was lucky to be so fine. Lee has been treating me like I'm a baby, she won't let me so anything myself, but I kind of like it. She's always been by my side, even though it's the smallest of sprains. Because it's nothing serious, I get my brace off today - it was put on my foot just for precaution.

We are travelling to Denmark for a game tomorrow, so if things are as minimal as they seem, i'll be back on the pitch.

--- 8:00am --

Another morning waking up to the deafening noise of my alarm. I heard a slight grumble next to me, so I know Lee is awake. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her, holding her hands. She lifted my hands up to her mouth and kissed them. "Good morning, beautiful girl" she said with a croak to her voice. "Good morning, Lee, good sleep?" I asked. "Yeah, but can we stay here a little bit longer, I want to cuddle you" she groaned. I just smiled and nuzzled my head into her shoulder, placing kisses all along it.

We laid there still for another half an hour, before I started playing with Leah's hair. "Lee, I have to get up and get this shit off my foot" I giggled, to which I saw a smile appear on her face, and she went to get up. "Let me help you baby" she said, as always. I hobbled out of bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen myself up before heading to the med room. Walking with a boot should be a sport in itself.

"Do you think they'll let you play today and tomorrow?" Lee asked me from the doorway. "I feel fine, it doesn't even hurt so I assume they'll just manage my minutes..." I smiled to her. She walked up to me, placed her hands on my waist and said "I can't wait to have my best friend back on the pitch" before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I fucking love Leah.

She made sure we walked arm in arm to the physio room, where she kissed me good luck from outside. I walked in and sat on the bed, where they examined my foot and ankle. My physio turned my ankle every direction she could, before pausing for a second. I gulped, was something wrong? 

"You're all good to go, Alessia" my physio said, finally with a smile. I jumped from the bed, a squealed slightly, I'd only been out for a week, but the media was going mad, as well as me. Everyone wanted me back on the pitch, and the love I felt after it happened was unreal. I was getting back on that pitch for Lee, too. "You can play today but speak with Sarina first. I'm giving you the heads up, but she may want to manage your minutes" She smiled at me, before giving me a nod as I walked out the door.

I was expecting Leah to have gone back to the room, but the entire time she had waited outside for me. Her eyes lit up as I walked out without my boot, and she enthusiastically threw her arms around me. "So?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "I can play, I have to check with Sarina, but I've been given all clear, like nothing ever happened" I smiled. She gave me a kiss, before whispering in my ear. "I love you, Less. I can't wait to have you back on the pitch"

-- 1pm --

Everyone on camp had now eaten and gone back to their rooms to relax for a bit before training starts in half an hour. I was up in my room, putting my kit on ready to train. I hadn't seen Sarina around yet, so I was still in the dark about whether I was going to play. We have a quick session before we get on the plane and head to Denmark tonight, ready to play them tomorrow evening. Lee was currently in Keira and Lucy's room, but I decided it was best for me just to mope around in bed for half an hour.

I was just putting my other croc on my foot before Leah walked in. She looked at me with a shocked expression on her face. "What have I done" I asked, confused.

"Those on your fucking feet" Leah said, in pure disbelief. "They're comfy, don't knock it or ill knock you out with it" I laughed. Leah walked up to me, picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. "You're not wearing those; I'll carry you down to training myself. Disgusting" she joked, and boy, she meant it. Leah carried me the entire way to the pitch, stomping her feet. My arms were wrapped around her the whole time, before she put me down so I can put my boots on. Just then, Sarina walked onto the pitch, so I jogged up to her.

"Sarina, I've been meaning to speak to you. Physio said I have all clear, am i allowed to train?" I tried to sweet talk Sarina. She looked at me and smiled. "Of course, I spoke to Physio already, I was eager to get you back on the pitch. Please go easy. No pain I assume?" She asked. I shook my head with a smile and jogged over Ella.

"I'm back boooo!" i screamed at Ella who gave me a hug. The rest of the girls came over. "I'm glad you're back, rookie" Lucy said before patting me on the shoulder. "Me too. Might have only been a week but you scared us" Mary laughed. I smiled, before running onto the pitch to begin training.

Authors Note!

There will be another update tonight<3

Follow my TIKTOK: m.lionesses


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