Chpt. 1 - Pink wig

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October 1st, 2022.

As the sun set over London, Joe and I were finally driven home from Jack's place, where we had a little party for Midnights. Lana, Sam, Zoe and Laura were there too and we had such a fun day. We're all so proud of this album and although it was super sad lyrically, it was the most fun project I've ever done, and I couldn't have done it with better people. A certain Mr. William Bowery even co-wrote 'Sweet Nothing' with me. It was amazing being in a studio with him; his composing and creative ability never failing to render me speechless, yet it didn't even compare to his acting talent. We'd had our hands all over each other in the studio that day.

Fast forward a little over an hour from when we left Jack's apartment, and the car was just pulling into our Air BNB. We are only there for a few nights, tonight being the last, while we move both of our final things into our newly bought London home in North Finchley. It's a 40 minute drive back to London, but it's just so beautiful, I can't wait for card games and dancing and Christmases and cuddles in our new place. I've always visited my other properties as much as possible, just to check up on everything, but something in me just wants to stay in London forever. Maybe it's Joe.

We thank the driver and Joe squeezes my hand and gets out of his side of the backseat. I stay seated where I am, until he walks opens my door and helps me out, something he's done since we started dating, even when nobody's watching. He always makes me feel like a princess when he does that, in a way nobody else can, even as I wear really (really) old, dirty pants and a shirt that's actually a pajama shirt. There's nobody waiting for us on the street, thank God, and we are ushered inside calmly. The house is beautiful, however geographically unfitting the coastal, Hamptons style may be. It's not big but it stands out from it's brick neighbors.

I thank my security and tell them to have a good night, and lock the front door. Joe takes my hand as I drop my phone on the kitchen bench, and leads me to the bedroom, to get changed into more comfortable clothes. We'd decided on the drive home to get Chinese takeout, but the really good place up the road doesn't do delivery, so Joe kisses my hand, grabs a hat to cover his face, and leaves with the promise of Chinese food upon his return. I laugh and kiss his cheek, and tell him to be quick so we can cuddle.

I hear his car drive away from what had been it's spot, parked out on the street, and feel slight envy that he can drive alone whenever he wants, without security. But more than that, I feel incredibly guilty that I limit his ability to do that. I know better than to let myself slip into an 'I'm-going-to-ruin-Joe's-life' guilt spiral, so I lazily walk to the kitchen and grab my phone from the bench, and wander back to the bed, flopping my head on the pillow and kicking my feet up.

I pull my hair out of the messy, curly ponytail it was trapped in and open Twitter in the hope of some kind of entertainment. Years ago, in the midst of the #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty situation, Joe had taken my phone and deleted all of my social media and news apps. Deep down I'd known what he'd done would help me, and that I could always just redownload the apps, but I was pissed that he'd done it without asking me, so I did redownload the apps. I stayed mad a few days, before waking him up in the middle of the night crying, begging for him to delete them again. I couldn't deny any longer that I needed to do it. He made me delete them, and promise not to redownload them until everything was over. Then he held me while I cried until sunrise. That was one of the turning points in our relationship.

After a few minutes of stalking fans accounts and checking how the news of Midnights is being received, I come across the monthly rumors that Joe and I have broken up. It's not so bothering anymore, and it doesn't trigger my trust issues like it used to, but I still find them annoying. Like, it's been 6 years, surely people don't actually believe this shit! I figure it's still a good idea to tell Tree. I assume she's already been alerted of the rumors, but didn't tell me because she knows I don't really care about that stuff anymore. I send her a screenshot and a short text letting her know it's not a big deal but if she is asked for a comment just to say we're happy and fine and stuff. I told her to be as cheesy as she wants. She's told me before that loves that side of her job, getting to tell the tabloids how happy me and Joe are. I find it cute. I hear a car park outside. Being a very quiet street, I hope it's Joe, and hear the front door unlock a second later.

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