An: Just writing some Httyd au ideas, Might use this but your more than welcome to use these ideas if you want to just give me credit :)
An:No movie characters are in this just ones from the series (Mainly race to the edge)
Au 1:
Viggo lives au
I know this is a widely used au but this is my spin on it :).Viggo lives and leaves with the Skrill,He finds a Hidden island and stays there but the island has something else living on it.
Au 2:
Good guys become the bad guys and the bad guys become the good guys.
Hiccup becomes sort of like a mix of viggo and Grinmel,He still has toothless but toothless is a lot more ruthless and aggressive (Also his name is not toothless his name is now night shot)He wants to know everything about dragon's by any means possible,Even selling dragons (Berk becomes like beserker island as well as viggos hunter island but beserker island becomes like berk after they become friends with dragons)
Astrid is cunning and still is a fighter she's the warrior of the group and is sometimes used as intimadation(She still is together with hiccup)She still has stormfly
Fishlegs is similar to hiccup,he wants to learn everything about dragon's but he's more interested in capturing,he helps hiccup with plotting.He doesn't have a gronkle instead owns a catastrophic quaken named bulldozer
Snoutlout is a bully with Brawn's and no brains even though he is not as strong as Astrid.He is snarky rude(Think of ryker from httyd).He still has hookfang
The twins are very very devious, They are usually the ones setting the traps and sneaking around.Even though the prank and trap they could be considered violent and extremely unstable.Ruffnut is the brains and tuffnut is the brawn.The two still own a hideous zippleback named double and trouble
An:I am considering heather a villan seeing as she worked for the dragon hunters(Even though I believe it was to help the rider's)So heather is a villan to good guy
Heather: Heather is literally Astrid In race to the edge just nicer and warmer.She often helps her brother with his plans.She is highly trained in combat and owns a razor whip still named windshear.
Dagur:Dagur is like hiccup in the show.He is smart,witty,And wants to know how his friends are doing.He is quite cheerful and can be considered a goofball at times.He owns a triple Stryke named striker
Viggo is intelligent and helps with Dagurs maps and plans,what he lacks in strength he makes up for in intelligence and strategy,he likes to plan against his opponent.He is quite kind hearted surprisingly despite the scars from hiccup.He owns a skrill named thunder skyRyker:
Ryker is the strength on the team,He is also despite his rough appearance very caring and kind,He likes to help take care of the injured dragons on the base.He owns a changewing named cameleon.
Krogan is part of the team but he's still quite is very quiet, and seems to prefer observing than joining in the commotion. Most of his actions are overly dramatized, suggesting he's well disciplined and might have a gift for performing.He is honest and theatrical but he does work well with his team.He owns a titan wing singetail named flamedancer
An:The amount of mental gymnastics I had to with this au 😅,has to be one of My favourite aus I have thought of

Book for my art
FanfictionThis is a book for my art,This Will be updated more when I get my iPad and I can use procreate. As well as a book for An and votes for ocs