Carter Davenport
Carter Davenport, golden boy of sunset academy and the hottest piece on the Upper East Side. Along with his golden locks and stunning smile he sports a charming personality and goes well with a suit. Apart from losing his virginity in 8th grade he is an all round good boy and likes to spend his weekends walking the beaches with his fiancé Ellie Montgomery.
Before we get into the details of the proposal and the months leading up to the wedding, lets take the story back to the tragic accident and death of E and Clark's baby. After the accident the happy couple drifted away from each other and E ran straight into Carter's arms. Although Clark had been her first love and she still held a special place for him in her heart, there was nothing keeping them together and eventually they just ended it. Waiting in the wings was her one true love and she accepted his invitation happily.
Towards the end of the winter break Ellie and Carter started sleeping together, now this may seem extremely soon after the incident but after years of sexual tension it had to be released somehow or they would both spontaneously combust. The first time it happened they were on a weekend away in the Hamptons and were staying at Carter's grandfather's house. Although the Davenport family is very wealthy due to their involvement in the oil business the house is small and has only 2 bedrooms, one a main and one a guest. For the first night Ellie slept in the guest and Carter in the main, but at some point during the cold Saturday night that followed a certain blonde we know crept down the hall and into the king sized bed.
Carter had just woken up and was alert to the slight dipping of the other side of the bed when he recognized the scent, French vanilla, strawberries and hot chocolate (what they had just been drinking). Shuffling over to the other side of the bed Carter wrapped his arms around Ellie and she snuggled in to his warm body. She was wearing a silk nightdress and he was wearing her favorite plaid boxers. With one swift movement her dress was off and he turned her round so that they were facing each other. Carter leaned forward and kissed her passionately on the lips, their bodies were so close that even when they weren't intentionally kissing their lips still grazed each other's. After a long night Carter woke up with Ellie snuggled into his side and carefully pried her arms from around his chest, heading down to the kitchen to make breakfast.
The rest of their weekend consisted of sex, hot chocolate and funny stories. On the last day of their mini vacation the weather was beginning to warm up and Carter decided to take Ellie on a romantic walk on the beach. As the sun set over the horizon a small plane flew above them, spelling as it went, 'will you marry me Ellie Montgomery?' she obviously said yes because the next day when they returned to the city E was sporting a rock the size of Australia and the biggest grin we have ever seen on a girl's face.
This week we spotted Carter at a fitting trying on suits, the big day is booked for the 24th of February so, much to the disappointment of Jessie, the wedding is set take place at the Montgomery's hotel and it will only include family and close friends.
Two months of cakes, dresses, shoes, invites and rehearsals led up to the most memorable day of the gang's lives. E had her measurements sent to Vera Wang and the dress arrived a week before the wedding, as expected it fit perfectly and went gorgeously with Ellie's long golden hair and magnificent figure. Complete with a long veil and her white heels, she looked angelic. Finally the big day had come and we have it all here reported directly from the event.

Teen Fictionget an insight into the lives of Manhattans elite with this dramatic and comedic story written from the inside