Troubled Fiancé

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"Cursed blood."

The words passed my lips like a spiteful hiss from an angry viper as I stubbed my toe on the unyielding bed frame.

My wedding was tomorrow. Alia and countless other guests were arriving in half an hour, and I couldn't find my engagement ring.

I hated wearing the thing, but if I appeared in front of all the guests without the crimson stone on my finger to display who I would belong to in slightly more than twenty-four hours, people would get suspicious. The thought of marrying Tarkan made my body shudder in revulsion.

It had been a little less than a week since I'd told Piper about Tarkan and my blood, but I was still engaged to the sly bastard, and Piper was still engaged to Caiden. We couldn't yet afford to break either of the engagements; however, tonight, that would change.

We couldn't predict whether Alia would want to join us on this headless mission, but we had to try. Alia was strong and knew the Inferno Realm better than any of us. We needed her.

I only feared her reaction when I told her about my relationship with Caiden. We had worked hard to match Caiden and Piper, and that work had been in vain. My hands were shaking just thinking of breaking that news to her.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Adriel leaned against the bathroom door frame with my engagement ring curled around the first joint of his index finger. His smile was crooked like his brow, and his arms crossed.

My face heated as I fought the urge to bite my lip.

"You shouldn't let a jewel like this lie so carelessly around the sink," Adriel said, pushing himself closer to me. "It could get lost, and you wouldn't want to lose your engagement ring on the day of your rehearsal dinner."

I sighed, rolling my eyes at him as I pulled the ringer from his warm finger.

"Is this rehearsal really necessary?" I asked, placing the ring on my left ring finger where it had been stuck for far too many weeks already.

Allegedly, this ring would be replaced by a far grander ring tomorrow, but if everything went according to plan, that shouldn't happen. Instead, the ring would be gone, and my finger would be free.

"I'm afraid so," Adriel said, smiling optimistically. "The guests arrive today and are probably as eager to meet the new future queen and princess as they are to taste the divine food rumored to be comparable to the foreign cuisine crafted from the golden sky."

I chuckled as I studied the crimson stone on my finger.

The food here was divine. Abi had been given a soul-burning gift for cooking that I'd been lucky to experience almost every day for months. Today would likely be the last.

"Well, Miss Aldwyn," Adriel said, extending his hand for me to accept it. "It seems that our time together has come to an end. Would you mind if I escort you to your expectant prince?"

"Ending?" I said, hesitant to accept his offer. "Will I not see you anymore after tonight?"

My heart started pounding faster in my chest, and my palms grew damp.

I probably wouldn't be here tomorrow, so I don't know why my chest stung so badly by the thought that Adriel wouldn't be my stylist after a marriage that wouldn't even take place.

Then Adriel smiled and winked at me. "There will be a wedding stylist to take care of you tomorrow, so the next time I see you, it will be as Mrs. Pavo and not Miss Aldwyn."

I exhaled the heavy breath I'd been holding. Was he trying to make me ruin my makeup before I had to present myself in front of all those people?

"What a tasteless course of action to tell me good luck, Mr. Friedmann," I said, slapping my palm against his and wrapping my fingers tightly around his hand.

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