thirty six

204 3 0

grace, kendall, you

grace: is liz even alive

kendall: u see her in school dont u? obv she is alive

grace: ik ik, but its like she barely texts us or hang out w us anymore

kendall: she can be busy at times

grace: she has been texting jess a lot, im starting to get suspicious

kendall: how do u know its always jess she is texting, she has other international best friends too y'know

grace: oh yeah, right i forgot

me: im right here um, this is a gc w me in it and youre talking abt me

kendall: thats what real friends are tho

grace: they dont talk shit behind ur back

me: um, ok, thanks?

kendall: ur welcum

grace: srsly kendall

me: not the perfect time for sexual jokes

kendall: kj

grace: party pooper

kendall: fun sponge

me: grace i thought u were against it too

grace: i was but im always on kendall's side yanno

kendall: im always on liz's side

me: im always on my own side

me: bitch u thought

grace: damn

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