|Chapter 27 ~ Addicting|

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Sleep doesn't come easy

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Sleep doesn't come easy. Actually, sleep doesn't come at all. Every time I try to slip into my slumber, something awakens me, like a constant lingering of something aching in my head.

Still, I force my eyes closed and focus on the darkness of the back of my eyelids.

But an image is burned into them. Carved into them. Indented so deep that wherever my gaze goes, it's there. And every time my eyes catch that image, my whole body gets hot.

The image does something more than make warmth seep in. It makes me shiver, like a cool winter breeze hitting my bare skin as the fire dances underneath. A combination of the two sends me elsewhere, pulling me high up, yet, pushing me deep down.

Restlessness settles, and I turn to my back, pushing the blankets off me. Sitting up, I slip my t-shirt off and fling it to the opposite end of the bed, laying back down before closing my eyes once again, the indentation burning into my eyes.

This time, the image turns into a movie, playing inside my head and projecting in my mind.

All I can see is what's before me.

The waves of a silhouette, darkened beneath the blaze of a setting sun behind her.

The curves of her body. The dips of her waist. The tendrils of her hair that flows in the calm wind.

The way her body moves as she walks towards me. Hips just slightly swaying, one foot in front of the other, hands by her sides, gently swinging.

I do nothing but stand still.

Stand still and watch as an angel comes to me.

She comes to a stop, and my eyes lift to hers.

A warm feeling flows into me from her gaze. Dark, dark brown, almost black pupils, looking deep into my own. My stare travels down, until it reaches her lips.

God, her lips...

A heaviness settles low in my stomach, the warmth spreading, like ripples of water when a pebble hits it.

She takes a step towards me, and her hand lifts, the tips of her fingers coming to gently graze away a strand of my hair from my face. Her touch is like electricity, and it hits me all at once, unfurling like the branches of lightning and extending to the tips of my fingers and toes. A shiver overcomes me when her body comes closer, and her chest is against mine.

I inhale sharply, breathing in her scent. The subtle vanilla is soft, yet overcomes my senses, and all I can see before me is her.

She lifts up onto her toes, and when her palm comes to rest against my cheek, I lean against her hand, my eyes falling closed. I feel her soft breath against my top lip as our noses slide over each other.

My hands go to her hips, her skin hot against my own, before sliding up and around her waist, tugging her closer to me. Her other hand goes to my shoulder as it wraps around the back of my neck.

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