Uncertainty: Feysand

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Feyre bristled as she felt Rhysand sit up beside her, the frustrated groan leaving his lips, forcing her completely awake. "Rhys?" Feyre said, rubbing at her eyes as she rested a hand on his shoulder. Rhysand remained silent for a minute. "You know, Feyre." Rhysand said by way of explanation. Feyre unfortunately did know. Those years Under the Mountain haunted her mate terribly, he'd let down so many people...hurt so many. But he did everything he could. But that wasn't enough. Nothing was enough for Rhysand, not when he believed he wasn't enough and he'd sacrifice himself for the good of others. "Okay." Feyre replied, taking Rhysand into her arms. Rhysand leaned his face against Feyre's chest, the satin of her nightclothes tickling his wings and his face. "This is real, Rhys. We are real." Feyre whispered, kissing his cheek gently. "Real. This is real." Rhysand repeated. "Yes, Rhysand. We are here, together. We are safe." Feyre encouraged, running her fingers over his blue-black hair. "How do you know?" Rhysand asked, looking up at Feyre with tearful eyes. "I know because I love you and we deserve to be happy. We have given everything, Rhys. No one has given more than you. You invest yourself in each person whether they deserve it or not. You are too good for this world, Rhysand." Feyre sighed, her tone remaining firm and soothing despite her worry. She often used to believe that everything was up to fate and the world, but that was until she started taking her life back. Before Rhysand helped her take her life back. "I love you, Feyre." Rhysand said, holding Feyre tightly. Feyre loosened her grip on Rhysand slightly to find him silently crying, his voice thick with emotion. "You are not the villain you believe yourself to be. You let me out. You saved Prythian. You saved our family. You're everything good about this world even when the worst shows." Feyre assured, kissing his face where the tears had left lines of moisture on his skin. They sat silently after that, holding each other. A High Lord and His High Lady. Rhysand had spent so long building up Feyre and helping her heal, Feyre could not let him suffer alone. He didn't let her suffer alone, he stayed by her side while she wished she were dead instead of those people. Those lives she had taken.   "Thank you..." Rhysand said against Feyre's skin as he kissed it, his hands a grounding prescene on Feyre's waist. "Do you want to try to sleep?" Feyre asked Rhysand, a sad smile on her face. "As long as I have you, Feyre. I will be okay." Rhysand anwsered, grinning proudly. "Good. I plan on being around for enternity. Mother knows we have the time, my mate. Just you and me for ever and ever." "As it should be." Rhysand said, taking Feyre into his arms as she laid down. He held her to his chest, grateful he had such a mate. Such a powerful woman who fought for what she loved and would never stop fighting for him. How grateful Feyre was to have a mate who would and had done the same. They settled against each other and soon found sleep. There you are, I've been looking for you. Thank you for finding her for me, Rhys had said. But that night, he hadn't just found his mate...he found a new reason to love as Feyre had. They both knew what it was like to look up at the stars and wish. But if not for the stars that listened and the dreams that were answered that made their love true and whole when their love was not enough to keep all of Pyrthian together. Their ambition and resilience and power was. The High Lord and his High Lady, prepared to take on anything and everyone. Together. 

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