Who's calling me?
She sounds nice.
"Vance, sweetie, over here."
I look up.
Who is that?
I don't know her.
"Hi Vance, hello!"
She smiles.
I can't speak.
"Ur name is Vance now, right?"
"I finally found you again, Raihan."
"I don't have much time left, Raihan. You have to find me again. Can you promise to look for me? You're so close."
Time left?
I don't even know who you are.
"You're closer to me than you think."
I just want to see Bruce.
I want to wake up.
I want to get away from you.
You're weird.
"Soon, Raihan, soon."
I open my eyes slowly and blink a few times.
What kind of a dream was that?
She called me Raihan. I'll ask Momma about the name.
But she also told me to look for her. That I was closer to her than I thought.
I sit up and stretch. Sighing in content before looking around.
Bruce is still on the ground.
Griffin is still on Billy.
Billy is still under Griffin.
Robin and Finney r still tangled in themselves.
I close my eyes for a second. I feel thirsty again.
I sigh and get up. Going downstairs to get water again.
I grab the yellow cup from last night again. Heading to the refrigerator for water.
"Hiya Vance!" I jump, turning to the kitchen entrance.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya." Amy.
She was wearing a pair of red shorts and a white tank top with a jean jacket resting on her shoulders.
"Mornin' Amy, where r u going?" I finish filling up the cup and go to take my sips.
"Oh! I'm going out with Gwen, Finn's sister, and Donna. We're going to the skate park so Gwen can teach Donna a new trick. Do I look good?" She does a spin with a bright smile.
I take another sip, "Yea, it's a cute outfit. Would look better if that jacket had some patches on it tho." I say, pointing at it with my cup still in hand.
She giggled, "Bruce told me about ur jean vest and all the patches on it. Got any to spare?" She smiles.
I nod, a small smile on my face, "I have plenty, what're u into?"
She leans against the kitchen counter, "Whatcha got?"
"He has drugs." Griffin says.
He walks into the kitchen wrapped in a blanket and rubbing at his eyes again.
Amy giggles again, "Morning, Griff."
"Hm." He walks up to me and pushes his head into my chest.
He reaches up, grabs my cup, gulps down the rest of my water, gives the cup back, and literally waddles out and back upstairs.
Amy and I r silent as we watch him jump up each step.
"He's weird when he just wakes up." She says.
I nod, "I know. I found out last night." I rinse the cup and place it on the drying mat again.
"Yup! He's a cuddly little baby. Anyway, I have to go now." She says, walking toward the door, "Tell Bruce where I am once he wakes up. No matter how old I get, he's an older brother." She slips on a pair of completely black high tops.
Waving bye as she leaves, I walk up to the phone and ring up Momma.
I hear the dial tone for a minute, she's probably sleeping.
I wait for another few seconds before hanging up. I sigh, she'll call me later.
I start talking upstairs, stepping into the loft and looking around. I lean against the wall of the entrance.
Griffin is sitting in the corner of the couch, still wrapped in his blanket, and holding the remote but not turning on the TV.
"Bored without ur paperboy?" He looks at me.
"Like u can talk, I saw u put Bruce's hand in ur hair yesterday." He rolls his eyes, I shrug but I can feel my cheeks get warm.
"It felt nice. Probably just as nice as u felt with Billy in ur neck, huh." He breaks out in a huge blushing and sputtering mess before covering himself entirely in the blanket.
I huff out in victory. Just as Finney starts moving and mumbling, sitting up he looks down at Robin.
His eyebrows furrow and he reaches for a pillow off the ground, grabs it, and throws it onto Robin's face.