Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


As we made it back home, my mind was preoccupied by Storrerhia's riddles. Maybe my mother was still alive somewhere but where would she be? How would the presents they gave us work for us? Was there another war going on that was going to affect the other tribes like how it had done ours? 

"Kaisen." Lilium called, pulling me from the thoughts quickly running through my head as I focused in on her. She gently patted the empty space on the bed next to her as I quickly pulled off my shirt and my pants before sliding underneath the blankets. "Will you tell me how you and Haimo met?" She asked as I pulled her into my arms as she snuggled into my side while throwing her leg over mine. 

"We've been best friends since birth. Our parents were best friends so we naturally fell in line. It always felt like Haimo was my brother anyway. We were inseparable when we were younger. Of course, that was before the Tiocraven tribe withdrew their alliance from the other four tribes." I explained as she looked up at me through the darkness. "It all happened around the time the Ijiratians attacked my mom and her group. Her group also consisted of some Tiocravens including Haimo's mom. Somehow, they got separated from each other and the Tiocravens managed to make it to their destination while my mom and her group were attacked. To this day, Haimo's mom still blames herself though it was nobody's fault." I sighed as Lily gently rubbed my chest.

"I'm sorry, darling." She quietly apologized as I shook my head while kissing her forehead.

"It's not your fault, my love. Also, I love it when you call me darling." I smiled as she smiled up at me. "Since I'm telling you stories, I guess I'll tell you about the first humans to arrive here." I added as she perked up at that. "It was way before my grandparents on both sides of my family were born. It's said that humans landed in a spacecraft older than the one they dropped you off in. There were rows and rows of humans armed with guns, firing at anything that moved. At some point, they almost wiped out some of the main food sources like Sframs. I think that was the first and last time that all eight tribes came together to get rid of the humans. That story was passed down through generations because of how many lives were lost on that day." I explained as she sighed against me. 

"It seems like we could've had something nice between the two planets but greed and stupidity got in the way." She mumbled as I could hear her breathing slowing down.

"Get some rest, my love." I kissed the top of her head as she sighed again before dozing off. I stared at the dark ceiling for what felt like forever as Storrerhia's words went through my head. How much time did I need before I got my answer? I thought to myself as I slowly dozed off. 

Soft weeping pulled me from my sleep as I quickly opened my eyes. Slowly looking around, I tried to make out where I was because this wasn't my home or my bed. It was a dimly lit room that didn't look like it was in our town. Moonlight poured into the room through the large partially covered window to my right as a small bed was pushed to the farthest corner in front of me. Next to the small bed was a small wooden dresser with a small light on top of it that barely lit the room. My attention was once again pulled back towards the bed as the weeping turned into sobbing. "It hurts." A hoarse voice called out as I could almost make out something bundle up within the sheets.

"Are you okay?" I quietly asked while stepping towards them. It didn't seem like they could hear me as I grew closer. Quickly peeking out the window, I was surprised to see such tall trees surrounding the house. From here, it sort of looked like the house was sitting on water. Turning my attention back to the sobbing individual, my heart stopped as bright golden eyes stared back at me. I stood still in my spot as the individual slowly picked up the small light from the dresser before standing from the bed with the blanket still wrapped firmly around them. Quickly stepping back, I was shocked when they moved towards me with the same speed. "Wait!" I shouted as the individual stopped just a little away from me that if I held my hands straight out in front of me, I could touch them.

"You look like me." They quietly spoke while tilting their head as we stared at each other. Slowly wiping their eyes, they continued to stare at me before walking around me. "Who are you?" They asked while stopping in front of me again before reaching out towards me as I stepped back. "I won't hurt you."

"Who are you? Can you actually hear me?" I asked as they nodded while I tried to see their face a little better before they slowly dropped the blanket.

"My name is Onzoi." He stated as I stared at the slim male before me. He was right, we really did look alike but he reminded me more of Sihea. Unlike my skin, he was a light shade of orange with short auburn hair that curled around his curly black horns. He nervously pulled at his long nightgown as we stared at each other. Who was he really and why did he look like us? 

"Where is your family?" I asked as he quickly looked down at his feet. "Where are you?" Maybe I could get some idea of exactly where we were. It wasn't unusual that some of the Apiazans would look alike but the fact that this guy looked so much like Sihea was uncanny.

"The only family I have is my mom and we're home. It's the only place I've known since I was old enough to remember." He quietly replied before doubling over in pain while breathing hard. "It hurts so much." He cried out as I gently reached out to touch him before my hand went through him. What the hell? 

"What's wrong?" I asked as realization dawned on me before I reached through Onzoi again. This had to be Storrerhia's gift but how was he seeing me? "How are you able to see and hear me if I'm not really here?" I quickly questioned as he slowly reached for his blanket before standing back up.

"I've been able to see things since I was little. My mom always told me not to talk to them since I couldn't tell the difference between reality and delusions. Mom said it was safer that way." He quietly answered before making his way back to the bed as I followed closely behind him. "I don't know why but it hurts so much. It's been hurting since this morning. It always hurts when I see things whether they be reality or a delusion. Which are you?" He asked while sitting down on the edge of the bed before staring up at me as I smiled down at him.

"I'm as real as you. I'm not exactly sure why I appeared before you but I'm able to because of Storrerhia's blessing." Slowly sitting down on the floor, I looked up at him for a second before something caught my attention. Onzoi had a tail. A tail exactly like Sihea's! Quickly shaking my head, I focused back on Onzoi as he stared down at me curiously. "You have powers that seem untamed. Whenever you experience these pains, find your inner peace. You do so by taking a deep breath and calming yourself. That should calm the pain you're feeling." I explained while looking down at my hands as they slowly began to grow more and more transparent. "It looks like it's time for me to go back." 

"Wait, who are you?" He called out as my surroundings grew darker.

"Kaisen." I smiled at him before I woke up back in my room. 

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