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It was the next morning and y/n kept
Moving around I'm guessing she had nightmares?I don't know..But she was sleeping,I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and headed back out and got back into bed with y/n.
Wonder what Flora's doing.. I thought.

I close my eyes and I go back to sleep.
I woke up about 34 minutes later and y/n was coming out the bathroom rubbing her eyes and she accidentally bumped into the drawer and she hit her waist.
"Y/n are you okay?" I ask and get up to check on her. "I'm..fine." She says through the pain.
"You sure?" I ask putting my hand on her waist and rubbing it.
"Yeah,I'm fine thanks." She smiles.
"Your welcome princess."

Day 3 of being with my future girlfriend is honestly the best feeling ever.

"Have you spoken with Flora?" She asks.
"No I haven't." I reply.
"You should give her a call." She says walking over to the landline and dialing a number.
"Hello?" She says after 6 or 7 minutes.
"Yeah Miles wants to talk with you!"
She says and handing the landline to me.
"Hello?" I say.
"MILES!!" Flora says in excitement.
"Flora,How have you been?!" I ask her.
"Terrible because you aren't here.." she says with a sad voice.
"Awh..That's okay I'll be home soon!
Just one more day in this hospital and I'll be home!" I say.
"Okay!!" She says excitedly.
"How's Mrs,grose?" I ask.
"She's doing great I guess?.." she says.
"Hope so." I say.
"I can't wait to see you Miles!!" She says in excitement.
"Me too!" I reply also in excitement.
"I love you Miles." She says.
"I love you too Flora." I say to her.
"I miss you.." she says with a sad tone.
"Me too..But I'll be home okay?!" I say.
"Okay.." she says.
"Hope you're doing okay." I say.
"Yeah I am,Hope you're doing okay as-well." She says.
"How's y/n doing?" She asks.
"Shes..doing great.." I say.
"But she also has her own personal problems..so maybe not great?.." I whisper.
"Ohh.." she says.
"Tell her I love her please!!" She says.
"Of course I will!!" I say.
"Okay,I have to go now Miles."
"It was nice talking to you." I say.
"Yeah,Same!" She says.
"Bye love you." She says quickly before hanging up.

"How was it?" Y/n asks.
"Great!" I say putting the landline back.
"She said she loves you." I tell her.
"Oh that's sweet." She says.
"Yeah." I reply.
"I don't wanna go home.." she says.
"Why not?" I ask already knowing why..
"My parents..they're gonna hurt me.." she says with fear.
"You can always stay with me y/n."
I tell her.
"But..I need my clothes." She says.
"Don't worry I'll get you some new clothes" I smile at her.
"No Miles you don't have to." She says.
"We can sneak into-"
"Y/n,Don't worry about it!" I say.
"Okay.." she says looking down.
"I love you y/n.." I say.
"I love you too Miles." She says back and she gives me a tight hug and I hug her back.
"What a strong friendship we have." I say and laugh.
"Yeah,Its even stronger than you." She giggles.

"Yeah whatever!" I say.
"You hungry?" I ask.
"Yeah,what about you?" She asks.
"Yeah me too." I say.
"Let's get some food." She suggested.
"Sure." I get up and head towards the door.
"Are you sure they'll let you go out?" She asks.
"Yeah they should?But who cares come on." I say taking her hand and we got to the cafeteria and we get breakfast from there.
We sit down and ate.
"Not bad is it?" I ask.
"Yeah I guess,But it's food who cares!" She says and eats more.
"You were really hungry" I say.
"Yeah I was!" She says.
We both eat and enjoy our breakfast together,It felt more like a date to me than a normal breakfast.
I was smiling while eating because I was lucky to have someone like her.

"Mm that was kinda yummy." She says and she throws her plate.
"Are you done?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
She then grabs my plate.
"No I got it." I say.
"No I got it Miles,now hand it over."
She says while pulling my plate and I pulled it back.
"I got it." I say and sarcastically smiling at her.
"Give it." She says.
"Nope." I say.
"Now." She says.
"No." I say.
"C'mon Miles,I'm already standing and I'm closer,And my legs are getting tired so give it!!" She says and I give in.
"Fine,here" I say letting go of the plate and she throws it away.
"Thanks princess." I say and we head back to my room and we sit on the bed looking for a movie to watch.

"Nothing to watch?" She asks.
"Nope,like always!" I say and laugh.
"You have such messy hair!!" She says as she ruffles my hair.
"I know,But you're making it messier than it already is by doing that." I say.
"Nah I like it messy." She says and I blush.
"Whatever." I say and continue looking for a movie.
"I can't find anything." I say.
"Give me the control." She says and I hand it to her.
"Yeah your right.." she's says turning off the tv and she laid back down.
"Your going back to bed?" I ask.
"Yeah,I'm tired." She says.
"Okay you rest princess,and maybe I will later on." I say and smile at her.
"Okay whatever you say Lover Boy." She smiles and closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

I watch her as she sleeps,Yea it's crappy but it's what I do.
I put her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek with my hand and laid down next to her and put my arm around her waist and fell asleep with her.

And we both go to sleep.

Just 1 more day in this hospital and I can go home.

(1034 words)

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