Chapter 8- Get Out Except u

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Lucian's POV

When my parents jumped at Chase and Jake. Nio used one of his power to get in front of them. Our parents stopped and started questioning why he jumped in front of them. He looked at me having an idea of what Jake and Chase were to me. Nio signaled me to speak. I told our parents that Jake was my husband and Chase was our child. They were not happy when I said that and tried to attack me. I used one of my powers and went invisible. If I used any of my other power I could possibly kill the closest person next to me when I first use it or potentially knock them out. I didn't want to do that to my parents so I avoided using them. As I was invisible I went over to my brother and became visible again. Our parents was unhappy about us siding with humans but we didn't care what they thought. Me and Nio started to walk up to our parents looking at them in the face. They were still angry but we didn't care anymore. We were tired of them abusing us our whole life and controling us. We took our parents downstairs and showed them the door. Before they could say a word we closed the door on their faces and locked them out. That was an interesting experience with my parents. I told Nio he could stay here if he had no other place and he accepted my offer. I told him he could have the guest bedroom that's next to Chase's room. I showed him the room and he gladly took it. After that I went to check on Jake and Chase. They were okay just a little shaken by what happened.

It night time now so everyone went to sleep except me and Jake. We were just laying in bed next to each other. "Lu..." Jake whispered turning to face me as I hummed in response to him calling my name, next thing I knew he had me pinned to the bed "What are you doing?" I asked but he just kissed me I kissed him back of course and he tried to use his tongue but he failed to pull away with a gasp for air "How do you do that type of stuff so easily..? It feels weird when I do it!" He complained and I laughed at him so he gently punched me before I turned into my human form flipping our positions as I caressed his cheek "You're so cute. I'll take over for you." He blushed as I undressed him eagerly, I've been stressed out and sex helps me take out a bit of aggression not in a bad way, I licked his nipple before gently biting it earning me a small yelp from Jake. I smirked slowly kissing up his body until I reached the upper part of his neck "Emh...What? You aren't going to kiss me?"
"Want me to?"
"Jerk." He rolled his eyes before kissing me, I shoved my tongue into his mouth as I slowly began to jerk him off while we made out. He let out low moans that only got louder as the minutes go by I pulled away from the kiss keeping eye contact with him, He was dripping with precum already and I used it to prepare him.
"Actually now that I think about it, You're so sensitive whenever I touch your ass in any way..."
"T-That's...~ Embarrassing...! You're sensitive to..~!" I pushed my finger farther and he screamed so I kissed him to muffle the noise, Not sure what I'd do if Chase or Nio woke up because I don't think I'd even be able to stop. I pulled my fingers out and he whined while I undressed, He just stared at me closing his legs while he waited it's cute whenever he wants to be top but even when I let him he's still just as caring as even it's just who he is no matter what. "Are you ready?" I asked and he nodded before I thrusted into him as quickly as possible, I got a rather pleasurable moan out of it I just love whenever he moans because of me. "I'll have to admit I might go a little hard...Don't be mad at me," I gave him a light peck on the lips before he began to move his hips "I-It's Fine...~ Just hurry..." He had tears forming in his eyes but I know it was for a good reason.

The next day (Lucian's POV)

Jake was a little dizzy and light headed from last night so I insisted that he stays in bed until he feels better. He nodded his head and went to sleep. I went down stairs and saw Nio in his wolf form so I changed into mine and sat next to him. It's been a while since me and Nio last talked to each other. We just keep talking to each other until Jake came down stairs. When I saw Jake coming down stairs I ran over to him and jumped on top of him knocking him down. Jake patted my head and I got off of him.

Jake's POV

When Lu got off of me Nio came over and helped me up. I thanked him and went to the kitchen to make food. I didn't know what Nio liked to eat or if he just eat anything so I asked him. He said he mainly eats meat but he doesn't care what I make.

Nio's POV

I wasn't lieing when I said I mainly eat meat. I mean I never really tried many other things since me and Lu's parents forced us to eat meat 24/7, so I went on my own adventures sometimes to try some new stuff. Anyway, I told Jake I was going to look for Lu since he went outside after jumping on Jake. I went outside and didn't see Lu so I went around the house and went to the backyard and found Lu sitting in the forest that's behind the house. I walked up to him and sat next to him. When Lu came out as gay to me I was proud of him and at the time I was straight. Ever since he left me and him changed and I found out that I'm also gay. So I asked Lu if he knew anyone that was willing to date. He said he didn't know anyone since he met Jake he lost all contact with other. He also said to ask Jake because he still in contact with all of his friends that are still alive. I was in shock by that last part. I asked Lu if he killed them but he told me Jake's crazy ex killed them and that he was about to be next but was saved by Jake and the police. This family must have been through a lot god damn.

(Y'all should get the memo by
now. Thanks tokyomysta for the smexy part😍)

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