Chapter 21

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By the time Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning arrived at Bailing town, where the Ouyang Clan residence the two see smoke coming from the town and the Ouyang clan. "Ying ge," Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"Let's go look for Zizhen first. If something happen to the clan leader, there still a chance to save the heir of the Ouyang clan. What happen at Gusu, younger generation doesn't deserve this." So the two went to look for Ouyang Zizhen.

Before they arrive at the Ouyang clan, the two see a teenage boys laying on the ground in the forest. "A-Ning," Wen Ning nodded his head, he went toward the boy, he turn him over, "Yin-I mean gongzi, is Ouyang Zizhen."

Wei Wuxian went over to where Wen Ning is at, "is he still alive?" Wen Ning put is hand near Zizhen nose, he felt a small air, "he still alive."

"Let's go find a place to heal him first. We can ask him what happen. Don't let Zizhen know is you, okay?" Wen Ning nodded his head. He pick up Ouyang Zizhen, they went to find a clearing, a cave or a place near the lake to clean up Ouyang Zizhen injury.

They found a lake in a clearing, Wen Ning put young Zizhen down on the grass gently, "Ying ge, I will go look for some healing herb," Wei Wuxian gave Wen Ning a slight nod.

'A small town and small clan. No wonder the corpse can take them down just like that. I wonder what happen to Zizhen clan? I just have to wait until he wake up.' Wei Wuxian went to put protection talisman around the area and when he is done, he went back to where Ouyang Zizhen is laying.

About a minute later Wen Ning came back. He begin to take off Zizhen clothes so that he can clean up his injury. Wen Ning then begin to smash up the herb to put it on Zizhen injury.

The next morning Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning waited for Zizhen to wake up, "Gongzi, after we help the Ouyang clan. How are we suppose to enter into the Jiang and the Lan clan?"

"I already have an idea but I need your help, A-Ning," Wen Ning nodded his head.

When morning turn into night time Zizhen woke up, Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning already put their hat back on. "Where am I? What happen?" Zizhen turn to his right to see two person wearing a hat with veil covering their face.

"Gongzi, how are you feeling?" Wen Ning asked. Zizhen look down at his injury, it got bandit. "Did you do this?" Wen Ning nodded his head.

"You must be from Ouyang clan? Am I right?" At the mention of his clan Zizhen begin to cry. "You are about to become a Sect leader! Sect leader shouldn't cry!" This got Zizhen to dry his tears.

"That right. You are no longer just a heir but a sect leader now. As a sect leader, we want to ask you something?" Wei Wuxian lowered his voice since he felt pity for the young Ouyang heir.

"What happen to your town and clan?" Wen Ning asked Zizhen.

"After coming back to search for Wei Qianbei, I saw more corpse in my town and in my clan. They begin to attack everyone from left to right, back to front. We can't protect everyone. Father told us and everyone in town to run away, to leave our home. The other left, I didn't want to leave my father behind. The disciple take me away from there and then and then....they were attack by the corpse. One of them knock me unconscious so that the corpse doesn't attack me. And after that I don't know how long I was out. All I know is my town and my clan is in flame."

"Ouyang gongzi, we can help you but you need to take us to you ancestors hall. Can you do that?" Zizhen is confuse, he nodded his head. "But how will we get back without the corpse seeing us?" Zizhen asked.

"Ouyang gongzi, you will stay in the middle. My friend will be behind you and I will be in front of you. Don't leave our side, you got it?" Wen Ning warned Zizhen.


When the night turn to almost drawn, Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning and Ouyang Zizhen sneak back to the Ouyang clan. As they got closer to the town, Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian see a lot of corpse all around Bailing town.

"Ouyang gongzi, since you live here, why don't you tell us which way to go?" Zizhen nodded his head. As Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning follow Zizhen directions, they sneak quietly pass all of the corpse that is surrounding the area.

Once they arrive close to the Ouyang clan Zizhen want to call out to his father only to have Wei Wuxian cover up his mouth. "Make a sound, those corpse will come this way." Wei Wuxian look back at all of the corpse surrounding the Ouyang clan.

"Now, we need you to find a way for us to get into your clan. Do you have another way?" Zizhen nodded his head, he pointed the way for Wen Ning to go.

The three move left, right, straight, right and left and so on, they arrive at the back of the Ouyang clan household. Zizhen then take the lead, he take Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning to where his ancestors hall is at.

All three finally arrived at the Ouyang ancestors hall, "Ouyang gongzi, why don't you go wait outside? Remember, don't make any noise and don't go anywhere got it?" Zizhen want to said something but then he decide not too since the two stranger is helping him with the puppet problem. Zizhen walk back out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Just like before Wei Wuxian gathered a big amount of resentment energy into the palm of his hand and then he slammed down on the floor. The resentment energy spread throughout the clan and out into the town, it burn all of the luring talisman inside of the structure.

Wei Wuxian and Wen open the door, "Gongzi!" Zizhen turn to his left to see all of his disciple, "everyone!" Seeing this Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning left from there.

"Ying ge, we are heading to Gusu, aren't we?"

Wei Wuxian breath in then out, "yes, before we head there. Let's head back to Yiling first. We need to buy a mask, this way Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren won't know who we are. This way they won't see our face."

With that Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning left Bailing town as they head back to Yiling.

Yiling Laozu Disappear From The Cultivation WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin