Chapter 49

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It was warm and sunny in May, the perfect time for a date.


Yi Ran pressed the doorbell. Today, she was going on a date with Song Yu Meng. Standing at the front door of the Song house, she felt nervous, tugging on her red plaid shirt repeatedly to smooth out any wrinkles.

Waiting for the door to open.

Song Yu Meng was in her room fretting over what to wear for her date with Yi Ran, when her sharp ears heard the doorbell ring, and she knew it must be Yi Ran. She immediately threw the clothes down in excitement and ran to the door.


Song Yu Meng pulled open the door and seeing that it was Yi Ran standing there, she immediately surged forward to hug her, both arms around her neck and burying her head into Yi Ran's shoulder.

It looked very intimate.

Yi Ran's emotions were running high and she wanted to hug Song Yu Meng back when she suddenly spotted Mrs. Song sitting on the sofa out of her peripheral vision. She was staring at them with her jaw open and a look of absolute surprise on her face.

Yi Ran was nervous and guilty, obviously not daring to hug Song Yu Meng. She suppressed her emotions and gently patted Song Yu Meng's shoulder, ending the hug quietly.

"Hello, aunty." Yi Ran bowed slightly in greetings to Mrs. Song, her heart thumping in her chest, almost as if Song Yu Meng had brought her home to meet her parents.

Song Yu Meng had almost forgotten her mother was at home. She had been too excited when she saw Yi Ran and hugged her in front of her mother.

"Xiao-Yi's here to play?" Mrs. Song asked with a smile.

Yi Ran replied: "Mm, I invited Song Yu Meng out to play today, so I'm here to fetch her."

Song Yu Meng hugged Yi Ran's arm with both hands and cheekily said: "Come on, help me pick out my clothes in my room."

Yi Ran wanted to go, but she felt a bit embarrassed, looking at Mrs. Song.

Mrs. Song nodded and smiled knowingly. "Go on, go on. You two can go play in the room."

Yi Ran then went to Song Yu Meng's room openly. She couldn't help but smile. She thought, if Mrs. Song were to know about her relationship with Song Yu Meng, she definitely wouldn't say things like "go play in the room".
Wasn't that like inviting a wolf into your house?

After they entered the room, Song Yu Meng picked up one outfit after another for Yi Ran to see and asked: "Which one do you like on me?" She picked up a spaghetti strap top and a pair of jeans, holding it to herself. "How about I wear this? Do you like sεメier outfits?"

Yi Ran looked at the top, it was pretty much like a tube top. Black straps, sleeveless, and the length of it could only cover a few centimeters below the chest. The key point was, it was also very fitting. If she wore this, wouldn't her girlfriend be exposing her shoulders, back and stomach!

Thinking about walking on the streets with everybody lusting after her girlfriend, Yi Ran's belly was full of fire. She snatched the top and threw it on the bed, stating fiercely: "You're not allowed to wear this outside in the future. You... If you want to wear it, you can only wear it at home for me to see. Who are you showing your back and shoulders for when you're going out!"
Yi Ran picked a loose, white t-shirt from the pile and handed it to her. "Here, this white t-shirt is so much better, and it matches your jeans too. Isn't that better than that whatever spaghetti strap top?"

Song Yu Meng's heart was blooming with joy, just watching her girlfriend get so jealous. She took the t-shirt and teased with a smile: "I didn't know you were so possessive."

Yi Ran said up righteously: "I learnt it from you!"

Song Yu Meng smiled as Yi Ran stared at her, not knowing what she wanted.

"You want to watch me as I change?" Song Yu Meng held up the clothes with her head tilted, her eyes curved into crescents.

Yi Ran's face immediately turned red, and she coughed and replied in a raspy voice: "I'll wait for you outside."

She stood up and headed out, the redness spreading all the way to her ears.

Yi Ran went down to sit on the sofa while waiting for Song Yu Meng to change, and she started chatting with Mrs. Song.

"If you have time, Xiao-Yi, come over more often to play. Our Xiao-Yu really likes you." Mrs. Song smiled. "I haven't seen Xiao-Yu get along with someone so well in a very long time."
Yi Ran lowered her head and smiled, thinking: Could her relationship with Song Yu Meng not be good, she's her girlfriend!

"Don't worry, aunty, I'll definitely be good to her." Yi Ran said seriously, almost as if it was a promise.

Mrs. Song smiled. "That's good, that's good. With Xiao-Yu having a friend like you, this mother can rest assured too."

Yi Ran chuckled internally. Seems like Song Yu Meng's mother had a pretty good opinion of her.

After a few sentences, Song Yu Meng came down, changed and ready to go. They left after saying goodbye to Mrs. Song.

The two of them had chosen to go for a movie, it was even the new romance film that had just premiered. They bought tickets for the last row, all the way in the corner.

When the movie started though, the two of them couldn't pay attention to it at all.

In such a dark environment, with only light from the big screen, and everybody around them, the atmosphere was definitely charged.

The two of them held hands the whole way, interlocking their fingers carefully. It usually just felt sweet, but with this atmosphere, it felt like there was a current running through their joined hands. It was tingly, but enjoyable all the same.
When the kiss scene came on screen, their eyes met. There was that desire in their eyes.

The two of them quickly looked away, both becoming shy at the same time with their sweaty palms.

The two-hour-long film was quickly over.

On the way out of the theatre, Song Yu Meng used her index finger to hook under Yi Ran's chin and ordered: "Yi shifu, bring this lady for a ride by the beach."

Yi Ran bowed and replied respectfully: "I obey, my lady."

The sea breeze brushed against their faces, with pearly-white clouds above in the bright blue sky, a contrast against the vast ocean.

Song Yu Meng told Yi Ran to stop as they passed by the milk tea shop, and she bought a cup of milk tea, but asked for two straws.

Song Yu Meng held the cup to Yi Ran's mouth and said: "Try it, is it good?"

After taking a sip, Yi Ran said: "It's pretty good, it's just a bit sweet. Why did you get this, you don't like sweet things, right?"

"Hmph, so be it if you're not grateful that this lady is accompanying you for a drink, you even have opinions about it?" The proud miss was unhappy again.
Yi Ran hastily begged for mercy: "Don't, don't, don't. I'm just a chauffeur, how would I dare to have an opinion!"

Song Yu Meng was tickled pink by her reaction. "Hmph, then I'll forgive you. Anger me again and I'll fire you." She got on the scooter and hugged Yi Ran tightly. "Hurry up and drive, Yi shifu!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

On the drive, Song Yu Meng purposely led the straw to the side of Yi Ran's mouth. When Yi Ran turned her head to take a sip, she quickly pulled the cup away.

Yi Ran drank air.

"How lame." Yi Ran pouted.

"Alright, alright, I'll let you drink."

That's what she said, but she still pranked Yi Ran again successfully.

"Hahahaha, Yi Ran, you're so silly!" Song Yu Meng grinned, she was particularly happy after pranking Yi Ran.

Yi Ran stopped the scooter by the side of the road and turned around, grabbing Song Yu Meng's wrist. She lowered her head and gulped down a few mouthfuls from one of the straws.

After that, she smiled at Song Yu Meng, satisfied.
"Now I've managed to drink it."

But Song Yu Meng's reaction wasn't like what she expected. She had thought Song Yu Meng would throw a tantrum, but her face was completely red, and she was looking at Yi Ran in shock.

Yi Ran laughed: "Why is your face so red? Didn't I just hold your wrist? What's going to happen when I kiss you next time?"

Usually, Song Yu Meng would have rebutted, but she was too shy to say anything.

Because the straw that Yi Ran just drank from was hers.

Yi Ran continued riding, and Song Yu Meng smiled at the straw that she just used.

Yi Ran drank from the same straw she did, was that considered an indirect kiss? By that estimate, doesn't that mean she had kissed Crazy Yi?!

Song Yu Meng was incredibly embarrassed yet happy at the same time! In the end, she started drinking a few mouthfuls of milk tea using that straw.

Weird, she clearly hated sweet things, but why was this cup of sweet milk tea so delicious?

While she was drinking, she was also thinking how it would feel like to kiss Crazy Yi. Just thinking about it was so exciting.
The two of them sat on the edge of a cliff by the sea, the sand below more than 10 meters under their dangling feet.

With the warm sea breeze blowing, Yi Ran asked: "Song Yu Meng, what university do you want to go to in the future?"

Song Yu Meng thought about it seriously, then answered: "I want to go to C University, but with my grades, there's no way. What about you? Where do you want to go?"

"Me......" Yi Ran dragged her words. "I haven't thought about it, but I would like to register for the same university as you."

Song Yu Meng lowered her head and smiled.

Yi Ran: "How about this, from now on, we'll study seriously. Our grades are about the same, and our strengths cover each other's weaknesses so we can help each other out. As long as we study hard, we still have a pretty big chance of getting into C University."

"Okay!" Song Yu Meng answered sweetly.

Without knowing, Yi Ran's hand had moved over to hold Song Yu Meng's, their fingers intertwined.

"Eh, Song Yu Meng, I have a question. You must answer me seriously."
"What is it?"

Yi Ran turned her head to look at her, her eyes turning into crescents as she smiled more radiantly than the sun beating down on the sea.

"How much do you like me?"

The sea, the sun, holding hands, the person you like in front of you, smiling and asking how much you like her.

Song Yu Meng was so moved she was a mess. Every nerve in her body was trembling. "Not that much, about this much, a hundred million bits[1]?"

She held her thumb and index together, leaving a tiny bit of space.

Yi Ran asked: "Oh, a little bit? Is it a little bit, or a hundred million bits[2]?"

Song Yu Meng refused to tell the truth: "Of course it's the former."

"Oh, is that so?" Yi Ran smiled.

"What oh? What about you? How much do you like me?"

Yi Ran casually said: "Not that much too, about this much too, a hundred million bits?" She did the same hand action as Song Yu Meng. "But it's a hundred million bits, that should be enough?"

"It's just a hundred million bits, not enough!" Song Yu Meng pulled her hand away, feigning anger and turning her head away.
She wanted to hear that Yi Ran liked her more.

But at this moment, she felt a hot gaze on her. Yi Ran's breath was warm, her voice raspy as she asked seriously: "How much is enough?"

Her gaze was hot enough to melt a hole in Song Yu Meng. Flushing red, Song Yu Meng's breathing had slowed too.

Yi Ran's eyes fell to Song Yu Meng's lips. Opening and closing softly, they were pink and moist, just as enticing as peach blossoms in spring.

Her heart jumped and blood rushed to her head as she slowly lowered her head towards Song Yu Meng's, her eyes closing.

Song Yu Meng had started holding her breath and her heart was pounding in her ears as she closed her eyes.

She had just been wondering what it would feel like to kiss Yi Ran, was it going to happen so soon......


[1] 亿点点 - See [2] for a full explanation, but the word in front 亿 (Yì) sounds very similar to 一 (Yī) and this means, "a hundred million bits".

[2] 到底你说的是一是一二三四的那个一,还是个十百千万亿的那个亿 - Literally means, so are you saying 'Yi' as in one, two, three, four, or 'Yi' as in ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand? Here's my explanation from the first time this showed up: This only makes sense in Chinese because 一 or one is pronounced Yī, while 亿 or 100 million is pronounced Yì. There are four sounds in Chinese, and while these two words aren't pronounced the same way, it's close enough that it's able to be used as a pun. To avoid confusion (because not everybody reads T/Ns), I had to simplify it.

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