you're not real but.. i love you

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A/N: okay i have a lot of ideas to make a story to this one shot. So this one is inspired from an animatic called the rendezvous storyboard. So


Your p.o.v
i woke up at 6 am. Too early because my school was 8 am. I looked at my phone and watched some movies. But.. of course mom and her 'boyfriend' are making out again.. i put on my headphone and continued watching.. after an hour, i took a bath, wore my uniform and checked my bag if i missed something to put inside. I hung my bag on my shoulder and walked to school. Nothing special but my classmates are in the way. "Oohh miss emo girl is not going to be late this time~ how wonderful" he said grabbing my shoulder. "Please leave me alone.." i continued walking to school and ignored them. Once I arrived at school. I put my bag down and read some books. I heard some girls talking about something bad about me and i didn't care.  They're talking about mom. "Okay class open your books to page 243 we have to rush some lessons because we have an event next week" my teacher said as i opened my book and she started the lesson lecturing us.

Time skip

I went home covered in bruises and of course mom and her 'boyfriend' didn't care at all. I'm tired so i didn't change my clothes i lay on my bed and fell asleep. After a few mins. I feel warm. It's so windy. I opened my eyes and I'm in a grassy field. So many kinds of flowers and butterflies. "Oh just in time come on let's have a relaxing walk" i looked at the person who's talking. He had blond hair and grey eyes. He held my hand helping me to stand up. "Who are you?" I asked and he looked at me smiling "I'm kurapika i can tell that you had a bad day so let me make your day better" i nodded as he snapped his fingers then my clothes changed into a beautiful dress. we walked around. It's so beautiful here. I wish I could stay here forever. We talked while walking, making flower crown and more then we stopped in front of a door. "We'll meet again tonight y/n" he said smiling "promise?" I asked "i promise" i smiled as i walked inside and closed the door.


I sat up from my bed and that feeling.. it felt so real.. it feels like it wasn't a dream. The day was still the same.. getting bullied.. mom hitting me.. new wound.. it hurts so i decided to sleep again.. and after few minutes. I'm at the same place again "welcome back" i looked at kurapika smiling a bit. We played in the water, eating some ice cream and looking at the blue sky. "Hey kurapika.. I don't want to leave this place.. this is better than the reality i live in to.." i sat up "well you have to." He said tucking my hair behind my ear and i blused "You have so much to do to be happy. Even you're having an awful day." Kurapika smiled and i did to "well if you say so" i said as we stand up then walked to the door. We hugged and i entered inside


I am having a good day so far. People who messed with me had been ignoring me, I was participating in classes more, but.. after going home, i can't sleep.. i want to sleep.. i want to meet him again.. i heard mom and her boyfriend arguing but i ignored the noise. I grabbed the sleeping pills in the bathroom and took one. This pill was effective. In a min. I fell asleep

"Come on now my treasure let's go to the ball" i smiled while holding walking to the castle and we danced. It was so romantic. "You look beautiful than the day we first met y/n. You should smile more" he said holding my cheek "i will" i said smiling and we danced more." After a few hours he walked me to the door. I said goodbye to him and i entered the inside


I bought the pills with me. I slept during dinner.. on occasions... During classes and my teacher woke up "miss y/n! Why are you sleeping during my class?! And you're doing drugs?!" She yelled at me "p-please! I-i can explain! Please don't call my mom and her boyfriend!" I pleaded cying "no go to the principal's office! Now!" I looked down as i walked to the principal's office.. she called my mom and his boyfriend.. the principal explained what happened.. i tried to explain but they didn't let me.. at home.. they beat me up. And now I am covered in bruises and wounds "you're such a disgrace! I wish i killed you after i gave birth to you!" I ran to my room crying. Luckily i had a bottle of sleeping pills inside my pillow i opened the cap of the bottle and took a lot of pills.. i want to be with him.. i opened my eyes and saw kurapika running towards me worried crying "why did you do that?! You can't do that youll-" "kurapika I'm staying here! E-even you're not real i love you!" I said smiling. He kissed me "you can't " he said crying and he backed away. I was confused why i can't and... He turned into a grim reaper.. n-no... I-i died.... I am not going to this dream... I looked at him crying and he was crying too. He hung a flower behind my ear and i held his hand "kurapika.. I'm sorry" i hugged him as we cried "don't worry even you died I'll be with you.."

A/N: oookay i almost cried in front of my mom hahaha

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