Peace and prosperity: Yet to be found

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The week begins to pass quietly and Storm has not moved beyond the bedroom. Her worried gaze is fixed on the raindrop-covered windowpane as Franz enters and asks, "Would you like something to eat?"

Storm sighs quietly and says, "I don't know if I can do it, Franz."

"Miss Snakov, whatever you do, you can do it. You can trust my words," says Franz quietly.

"The servants are starting to think of me as Gabriel's lover. Or as his toy," Storm mutters, resting her knees under her chin.

Franz nods quietly and says, "Gabriel had to stay longer in Paris for negotiations between different mafias."

"And riots?" Storm asks standing up.

"Unfortunately, they have strengthened all over the world. And it is rumored that there are more and more of them every day. The world is officially at war with each other. Brothers against brothers, as they say," Franz answers quietly, when suddenly a loud gunshot is heard from behind the door, and Storm grabs a knife from her bedside table and runs to the door of her room, but as soon as the footsteps approach the door, they head back to the girl's bed, where the girl quietly curls up.

Gabriel walks quietly through the door, dark red blood trickling down his black T-shirt, and asks, "Storm, que faites-vous ici?" ("Storm, what are you doing here?")

"Gabriel, je..." Storm starts stuttering in fright, and Gabriel sits on the edge of the bed and pulls the girl's hand towards him. ("Gabriel, I...")

"Lily m'a conseillé de me cacher," says Storm looking at the window. („Lily advised me to hide.")

"De quoi?" Gabriel asks, frowning. („From what?")

"Les assassins et les mafias du monde entier s'affrontent," Storm explains quietly. („Assassins and mafias from all over the world clash.")

"Donc j'ai entendu," mutters Gabriel, clenching his hand into a fist. („So I've heard.")

"Gabriel, je dois être honnête avec toi. J'ai peur de mourir." Storm whispers trying to hide her head on her chest. ("Gabriel, I have to be honest with you. I'm afraid to die.")

Gabriel puts his hand on the girl's cheek and says: "Tu n'as pas à avoir peur avec moi. Je te protérai. Peu importe ce que.' ("You don't have to be afraid with me. I'll protect you. No matter what.')

Storm nods quietly and Franz walks through the door and says, "I brought your computer."

Gabriel gives the man a quick look and says, "Thank you, François."

François nods quietly and closes the door.

Gabriel turns back to Storm and asks, "Why haven't you told me anything?"

"What should I tell you about? Franz saved me.. and my...mon Dieu!" Storm exclaims almost silently.

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Gabriel asks trying to pull Storm towards him. („What's wrong?")

Storm quietly shakes her head and says, "Mes enfants. J'espère qu'ils sont en sécurité. Ou vivant, d'ailleurs." („My children. I hope they are safe. Or alive, for that matter.")

"Snake t'a demandé de faire ça?" Gabriel asks, frowning. („Snake asked you to do that?")

"Il pensait que nous serions plus en sécurité ici qu'en Russie. Alors nous y sommes maintenant. En France." Storm explains with a shrug. („He thought we would be safer here than in Russia. So here we are now. In France.")

"Eh bien, je dois être honnête avec vous... La France n'est pas connue pour sa paix et sa prosperité," replies Gabriel with a smile. („Well, I have to be honest with you... France is not known for its peace and prosperity.")

"Je dois parler à François," Storm mutters as she tries to push herself out of bed, but then falls on her wobbly legs. („I have to talk to François.")

Gabriel gently grabs her around the waist and says, "Tu as besoin de te reposer. Je vais parler à François." („You need to rest. I will talk to François.")

"Ce sont mes enfants dont nous parlons," Storm says quietly. („These are my children we are talking about.")

"Vous avez demandé mon aide. Maintenant, laissez-moi vous aider. Gabriel says after a short pause. ("You asked for my help. Now let me help you.")

"Tu devrais savoir que je ferais n'importe quoi pour eux. Pour ma famille. That Lily." Storm answers gently. („You should know that I would do anything for them. For my family. And Lily.")

Gabriel nods quietly and says, "Stay here. You have your computer and... yes. Lunch will be brought here."

Storm nods softly and asks, "Will you come back?"

"To you? Yes," replies Gabriel, gently kissing the girl on the forehead.

Storm sends a sweet smile in Gabriel's direction and then turns back to her computer, going back to her paperwork.

Suddenly, she gets a call from Electra, who asks: "Where have you been?"

"Talk about it before this dialogue turns into something you can't stop," Storm replies coldly.

"Could you check if all the systems were taken over?" Electra asks with a sigh.

Storm opens one of the coded messages sent by Electra and says, "They were. Anything else?"

"Do a thorough background check on all major Genesis allies and enemies and send them to me through this code. Lily seems to have some doubts."

"She's not the only one," Storm says, pushing her hair over her shoulder.

"And please see that all the propaganda message I organized reaches every part of the world. This worm needs to be coaxed out of its hole!" says Electra, hitting the table with her hand.

"Several steps ahead of you, electron," Storm replies wearily.

"Say it again. I'm begging you!" Electra hisses in exasperation.

"Maybe later," Storm says with a grin.

"Does Gabriel know?" Electra asks in a slightly more serious voice.

"If you don't keep your voice down, he's going to know," Storm mutters.

"Okay, end of communication," Electra says in conclusion.

"Good luck," Storm whispers.

"To you too." Electra replies indifferently and turns off the call.

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