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       The last person Yuuta expected to call him was Sukuna, but now he's on his way to meet Sukuna at Megumi's house with Kiro in the backseat. Yuuta has sent Megumi numerous text messages but he hasn't responded once, only left him on seen. The only reason Yuuta did bring Kiro like Sukuna asked is because Sukuna is his father, that's a boundary Yuuta doesn't want to cross unless Megumi says otherwise. 

      "Where's Megumi?" Yuuta questions as he gets out of the car, his gaze cold. He isn't going to pretend to be friendly towards Sukuna when he hates him, there's no point in pretending when the feeling is mutual. 

      "At my home. I need the kid."

      "What for?" Yuuta glares.

      "Megumi is a wreck. He hasn't moved from the bed, he's completely shut down. I need the mini to make him feel better." 

     "I can't let you take him unless I know Megumi is safe." Yuuta doesn't want to come between Kiro and Sukuna but knowing he could potentially be putting Kiro in harms way he can't help but intervene. 

      "Keep up then." 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "Megumi, wake up." Yuuta coaxes, placing his hand on top of Megumi's. Kiro frowns, pushing the blankets up and crawling between Megumi's arms. He snuggles against his mom, hugging Megumi, who lays on his side. From the movements and gentle voice, he slowly wakes. His vision is blurred momentarily before he sees Yuuta. Megumi wonders if he is a figment of his imagination, he wanted to stop thinking about Yuuta so badly that his brain conjured the person up to delusion him. Yuuta gently pushes Megumi's dark hair off his forehead, unable to bring himself to pretend he isn't extremely dolorous from finding Megumi in this state. "Come with me, I'll take you home. I promise, I won't leave you." Yuuta whispers.

     The last time he saw Megumi like this was when he was suffering after leaving Sukuna and already gave birth to Kiro. 

    Megumi looks down at Kiro who is hugging him for dear life. Megumi can't even feel happy right now, he's just exhausted and he's still healing from Sukuna beating him. "Just let me wither away." Megumi mumbles, pulling the blankets up to cover him and Kiro more. He's exhausted, he can barely keep his eyelids open. All he seems to do is sleep but it's still not enough rest. 

    "How can you expect me to let that happen?" Yuuta sighs, sitting onto the floor as he continues to hold Megumi's hand. He ignores the murderous crimson eyes watching the interaction. Megumi doesn't respond, closing his eyes and falling asleep with an arm wrapped securely around Kiro. "What did you do to him? All I can see is his arms, face, and neck and I can see he's been beaten by you. People like you sicken me."

     "What are people like me like then? You seem to know everything." Sukuna leans against the wall. Sukuna thinks very little of Yuuta and he doesn't care how Yuuta perceives him. Yuuta will never understand why Sukuna is the way he is, he will never know what it's like to live his life. 

      "People who abuse their partners. You all disgust me." Yuuta scorns, hatred written all over his face. Yuuta doesn't care to know the reason why Sukuna is the way he is, Yuuta will never have a single ounce of sympathy towards Sukuna. "Megumi might not have been the happiest person in the world but he was never this miserable until you showed up."

      "He might've been happier if I never entered his life or maybe he would have been worse off. It doesn't fucking matter. What's done is done, we have a fucking kid together and I had no intention of letting him go."

      "Having a child together doesn't give you the right to force him to be with you either."

      "Maybe if I knock him up with another mini then he'll be all pliant and need me." Sukuna's just saying this to rile Yuuta up but that's what's so enjoyable about it. He loves to piss off the people he hates, maybe Yuuta will end up hitting him and giving Sukuna a good excuse to beat the shit out of him. "You know that already, don't you? How Megumi always spreads his legs for me, even if he whines like a little bitch, he always ends up crying and moaning."

      "Don't talk about him like that, especially around Kiro."

      "The little gremlin is sleeping. Trying to ignore the fact Megumi behaves like a desperate slut for me?"

      "Fuck you." Yuuta hisses, his hand squeezing Megumi's.

     "Now who has to watch what they say?" Sukuna grins in complete enjoyment at tormenting Yuuta.

     "Megumi's biggest flaw is him ever loving someone like you. Someone who degrades him at every given opportunity and treats him like trash."

      "All I hear is bullshit coming from you because Megumi will always be with me."

       "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Yuuta doesn't want to entertain this conversation any longer. They're only going to keep going in circles, there's no point. "You're so confident but he ran away from you before. Let's see how much longer it takes till he runs away again."

      Sukuna has already beaten Megumi black and blue, he's already threatened and forced himself onto him, it's troubling to think about how much worse he'll react if Megumi leaves again. His mental and emotional health already worsened when Megumi disappeared the first time. He destroyed Megumi's penthouse in a fit of rage, screaming and as much as he would hate to admit it, he was also brokenly sobbing. He was alone, abandoned, he was left behind for the darkness to take him.

     "If you are somehow involved, I'll kill you." Sukuna promises to which Yuuta just scoffs in response.

      "You won't get away with it."

      "No? You'd just be one of many."

       "Yuuta..." Megumi mumbles, squeezing his hand. "Both of you, 'Kuna... Shhh..." He whispers before falling back asleep. It was difficult to get decent rest with their bickering back and forth. Megumi wants to pretend he didn't hear all the horrible things Sukuna had said about him, at least for now. He's mentally and physically exhausted, he is going to collapse if he has to deal with another argument with Sukuna.

      "Why are you letting me stay? You hate me as much as I hate you." Yuuta whispers, rubbing circles onto Megumi's wrist with his thumb.

     "It's temporary so don't get too comfortable." Is all Sukuna says in response, not giving any reasoning for his baffling actions.

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