Candle Frost (2/2)

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A/N: I don't know how I got so immersed writing this AU from last week till this and I think it's a total of 5k words of mostly world building but I must say!! I certainly enjoyed it every step of the way. And all of that written in just two days out of two weeks UWU I treat myself now. 

Enjoy! It's back to main plot time next week though. Once again, thank you for being patient hehe and waiting week to week. Some of the comments from last week were absolutely hilarious by the way. Oh! And of course, Winter: Vanilla, Candle: Leroy, Purple: Violet, Zone: Si Yin. 


The soloist arrived at the theatre house in a black Bentley to a humble audience of thirteen. Of the few who were informed of his schedule, the organizer was the first to greet him at the carpet—having curtly instructed everyone else in the vicinity to cease all conversation beforehand. Minutes earlier, he'd positioned groups of security personnel in a line on each side of the carpet for a warm welcome of the revered musician. After all, he'd hired the best agency in town for the very purpose of extravagance. Nothing else.

"Julian," greeted the duke with outstretched arms that slacked the moment they realized their mistake. "I wasn't expecting you this early, my friend. I take it you're eager to meet everyone else?"

"Not quite, your grace," said the musician as he stepped out of the vehicle with his case in hand. "I like to think that I'm here to perform. Unfortunately, the residence I was promised weeks ago had made a slight error in their books and I was denied access to a room until after the performance. Dreadful. And so I made arrangements to arrive earlier than expected. I hope I haven't caused you any inconvenience...?"

"No no, not at all Julian." The duke made a gesture toward one of the guards in line to help the musician with his bags. The latter politely raised a subtle hand to decline his offer. "We like having you here. Margaret has been waiting for your arrival since this morning! Care to join us for tea in an hour?"

"What an honor it is to be personally welcomed by the wedded couple celebrating their anniversary. I'd love to. However, I must cut conversation short—rehearsal is expected to begin very soon and Monsieur Altès would like to see me. Please send my regards to her grace."

The pair were escorted past arched doorways and into the main lobby, where a man in a suit stepped in front of the musician with his eyes fixed on his leather case. "Mr. White. Your bags have not been checked."

At once, the duke put on an appearance of offense. "And?"

"W... well your grace, it's... procedure to have every bag pass security to ensure—"

"And did you check my bag?" The duke challenged, adjusting the lapels of his blazer in an attempt to intimidate.

"No your grace. But that is because you do not have any bags wi—"

"So there!" He gestured as though his very point had been proven in several, stupid sentences of nonsense. "Julian needs nothing to be checked. Look, all he's brought with him is his instrument. You cannot possibly be implying that an instrument can pose danger to us all?"

"I appreciate your kindness, dear duke, but it is quite alright," said the violinist with a smile. "This is a simple matter of dealing with a dual-mechanism lock. Five minutes of my time would suffice."

And so he let the events unfold before his eyes.

"Five minutes?" The duke burst into an act of rage, turning onto the guard who'd approached them. Every head in the lobby turned to watch. "Do you even know who this man is? People like you are a disgrace to the high arts. You'll never understand the time, skill, and raw talent it takes to become a master and what you are doing now is a serious offence—simply unforgiveable! Who hired you? What is your name, give it to me now."

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