Vent as to why I may take a small break

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Hello humans! How are you? I'm so sorry if I don't post. One of my friends is being incredibly mean. I really need to tell someone about this and I'm so so so sorry if this is annoying.

Tw: possessiveness, toxic relationships, and manipulation (this happened rather recently and if you have a friend who acts like this please leave them)

So I had this friend who is also my ex girlfriend. I used to think I was a lesbian and I was a female. He is trans like me and he's pansexual. When we were dating he was really possessive. They would kick my friends if I hugged them and they kissed me without my consent. I broke up with them last year. They would still cling to me constantly and I was fine with that. Eventually it got to the point where I could barely eat because they were always clinging to me. Whenever I asked them to stop they wouldn't stop. Earlier in the school year they had started dating a friend of ours. She is one of my best friends so I was hugging her. The toxic friend said "hey Tyler! Remember when you broke up with me on my birthday?" Which I didn't. I specifically made sure to not break up with them on their birthday. That started an argument. After that I started being a little more distant. I started getting more annoyed when they would cling to me because I would ask them several times to stop. They wouldn't stop and it got to the point where I had to shove them off me. We got into another fight. I started dating my boyfriend and I was happy. This friend starts treating me like I'm dating them. They were super clingy even though I've made it abundantly clear that I wanted them to get off of me. They could hug me but they couldn't basically pin my arms to my sides while I'm eating. They also got super angry and yelled when I started dating my boyfriend. One day when we got dismissed from lunch they said "I really hate this new you." And I said "I'm trying to tell you how I feel about this and my boundaries." And this bitch had the audacity to say "Well I hate this and you should stop." I tried to ignore them after that. Then I got a message from them threatening to cut. I told them to not cut and that I was there for them. They responded that I didn't care. I said that I did care and I was just trying to get my feelings to be known. This motherfucker told me that I should stop being so assertive about my emotions and that I should do what they want me to do. We got into a fight and they yelled at me for not caring. I told them that I cared but that I need a little space. I also told them that they were making me uncomfortable by acting like we were dating. They said that they didn't care if I was uncomfortable it helped them calm down. I said that they have to stop pretending and accept that we were no longer dating. I got yelled at and then they said "don't you fucking dare tell anyone that I'm cutting." Which convinced me to block them. The more I write the more I feel like the villain
and I am sorry. You all are loved and you are amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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