Chapter 42: Air and Lightning; Sandblight Ganon

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“As I was saying,” My father started, going on as if nothing had happened. “We’re going to play this the same way we did last time. Ellet, Merona and Purah will stay out here guarding, Azu will keep the power of the Divine Beast at bay, and Idalia and I will help take down the beast inside.” 

“Right.” We all agreed, and were about to head to our places when purple rings surrounded us and began to get tighter with a static sound. “On it!” Azu flew up to the top of Naboris and did his best to control the lightning, which froze the purple rings on us in place. “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold it, but I’ll do my best!” 

“Thank you, Azu!” I called back, and I felt Merona’s hand on my shoulder as she walked up behind me. 

“Make sure my Riju comes back safe.” She said, and I nodded. She and my father did the same each other before my father offered me his hand, and without hesitation, I took it. 

“We got this, kid.” He hurried me towards Vah Naboris, both of us bracing ourselves for this third challenge.

“It’s such a vile creature...” Riju stammered as she did her best to stand on two legs, trying to control her hitched breathing as she watched the blight before her begin to strengthen its weapons, zapping from places to place to ensure it couldn’t be attacked again by the scimitar that prevented it from defeating the Champion. “I don’t know if I can do this...” 

“I came here to help you defeat this monster. And that is exactly what we are going to do.” She placed her hand on the Chieftain’s shoulder, who only forced a smile and nod as she only barely kept herself standing. 

“That’s right!” My father called as we rushed in, and both chiefs turned around to see us, smiles of relief appearing on their faces. We stopped behind them, swords and shields ready to fight, and a bark could be heard as Patricia rode in behind us. Riju finally pushed herself up, ignoring the weakness as she was elated to see her companion. 

“Patricia!” The seal already had a shield and reigns trailing behind it – what I could only assume to be Merona’s doing – and quickly flew by the chief to give her a chance to leap onto the shield and lift her reigns. She slid towards Sandblight, and on the way, Riju pulled Urbosa’s sword out of the ground and threw it at the blight, The beast blocked it and sent it flying back to its owner, who snatched it from out of the air and quickly ignited it with lightning. 

“Let’s take care of our little problem.” She grinned, and this gave encouragement to my father and I. Patricia leaped into the air and gave Riju the opportunity to slice her sword through the blight’s back, and it shrieked out and sent a wave of sand towards the three of still standing near the entrance. We used our swords to protect our faces, but once the wave had passed, Urbosa rushed in towards the monster with her electric scimitar. 

Patricia noticed her running up and leaped up, flipping Riju off of the shield. The chieftain twisted herself and grabbed the handle on the weapon, taking it with her as she fell. Urbosa leaped onto the shield and was launched by Riju, giving her the chance to slice off Sandblight’s hook arm.

Riju fell to the ground and released the shield, allowing Patricia to make a half circle back to my dad and I. I grabbed her reigns and hopped on the shield, riding with her back in the direction of Sandblight. With its weapon arm now gone, we had an advantage over it. Patricia leaped enough to throw me off the shield and up to Sandblight’s shield arm, which I destroyed all the same. 

The beast shrieked, and I fell to the ground next to Urbosa, and she quickly grabbed my wrist and ran away from the beast with me, and we all regrouped where my dad was at. Sandblight reformed two hands, and then created a little ball of sand in them. 

He sent out a sharp wave of sand towards us, and just before it was about to hit it, a gust of wind collided with it and shaped it into a sand tornado, which was sent right back to the blight. It was caught up in the whirl, giving my dad and I a chance to rush back in while it wasn’t paying attention to us. 

My father started whacking it repeatedly as the tornado slowed and faded back into the air, and the amount of hits the blight was receiving was making it difficult for it to recover its strength. But just as it did and raised its newly reformed hook to my dad, I leaped up behind him and performed a spin attack, knocking it out of the sky. 

Patricia collected Riju again and rushed towards it, preparing to launch the chief again. However, just as the blight brought itself back off the ground – giving Riju the perfect opportunity to attack – it teleported away just as she leaped into the air. The seal caught her and brought her back to Urbosa, and we all looked around for the phantom. 

“Where did it go?” Urbosa hissed, frantically searching around for it, keeping her guard up in case it decided to sneak attack. We heard some strange noises echoing through the Divine Beast before we suddenly saw the blight swiftly moving from place to place above us. Finally, it stopped in the center and was powering up some kind of attack. But we didn’t know what until sand and dust filled the area, and we were all lost in the mini sandstorm. 

“Dad?” I called out, doing my best to block my eyes from the sand blowing aimlessly in every direction, and I tried to listen for his voice. “Dad! Riju!” I started hearing that strange noise again, and I started to get a bad feeling. An instinct. One that made me turn around with my shield – just in time to block a surprise attack from Sandblight. 

I pushed the beast away, which forced it to spin around to take another chance on hitting me again. Urbosa dashed through the storm and towards us, quick enough to use her shield and shove Sandblight away from me. I lowered my shield and looked up at her, and she smiled and gave me a firm nod. I did the same back, and we both held our swords out in the direction she had pushed the phantom in, and it lifted itself off the ground and this time, reformed its shield as well. 

Now with both weapons back, it was powerful again. But not powerful enough to stop my father and Riju from tackling it out of the air. 

They took it down and stabbed their swords repeatedly into it until it shoved them off with another sand wave, and once it was up again, it retracted all the sand and dust to clear the storm. This gave Urbosa and Riju an opening, so Riju whistled for her sand seal to come back for her. 

Patricia pulled Riju away from us, and Urbosa tailed close behind them on foot. My father and I began making noise; clashing our swords against each other to get the blight’s attention to us. Sandblight turned to us and readied its weapons, but by then, Riju was already riding behind it with her shield out. 

Urbosa leaped up and onto her shield, getting launched into the air and close enough to land on the blight’s head. She grabbed onto it and climbed to the top, catching it fully off guard, and she rolled forward and stabbed her sword into its eye. It shrieked as she snapped her fingers, sending a bolt of lightning down to finish it off. 

She landed on the floor beside my father and I, and Riju rode back over with Patricia. We watched as Sandblight turned into nothing but black dust with pink sparks, and once the colors faded, we all looked between each other. 

“Urbosa, I- I mean Lady Urbosa,” Riju stammered out, and the former chief smiled softly and placed her hand on the younger vai’s shoulder. “...Thank you. All of you. You saved my life.” 

“We’re just glad you’re okay.” I breathed as I hugged her, and she wrapped her arms around me and let out a sigh of relief. My father and Urbosa exchanged looks before nodding to each other, and then Urbosa turned to look out the window towards Vah Medoh. 

“Our job isn’t quite finished, it seems.” She sighed, and I pulled away from Riju and we agreed. “Well then, let us finish this.”


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