One in the same| Bendy

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this is a worse story than normal, but I need to watch the playthroughs of BATDR several more times before what I write is coherent again. Also I destroyed my work using a funky way to fromat

His eyes shot open.

Bendy looked around, everything was fuzzy and unfamiliar, but memories started to come back. Unfamiliar memories.

Oh yeah, he took a nap earlier, on the circle rug. Delighted, he pulled out the toy train from hammerspace and started to play with it. Norman used to hang around a train.

He frowned. Oh, Norman. What happened to him in this one? Didn't Inky kill him?

A girl, no, woman walked in. She didn't look like any of the corrupted, but then Henry didn't either. She wasn't like him though, but still like him. Warm, comforting, but inky and with glowing features.

She promised not to hurt him, but a shock raked through his body. Memories of the keepers flashed through his mind; he couldn't cry out, but he cradled his hand as inky tears streamed down.

"I-I'm sorry!"

But he was gone. She was familiar though, and reminded him of old Joey.

He did it. Oh my god, he finally did it. Audrey, the daughter of Drew, they are one in the same! They are more powerful than anything imaginable!

But...  he wasn't. She had more will, not broken down to the twists of time. She was the same as him, made of ink, a "child" of Drew, but she was so different. And the lights flashed before his eyes, before he woke up behind a door.

No, not him. Both? Are they different? Are they still different, or the same?

Audrey walked in before inspecting the book that her father left behind. Bendy studied his bow, fascinated. He has seen color, Wilson made sure of that, but he didn't expect to be colorful! A bright red bow, dark blue clothing, oh how wonderful!

'Would I have a red bow too?'

Who was that?

But Audrey was looking at him expectantly. He nodded, and grabbed her hand.

He was free at last. If only that weird, raspy voice that should really drink some water would stop talking to him.

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