28. Kalaya

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Looking into all the faces that I knew were doomed to die by the end of the day, I led them to the hole in the fence.
"Clear on the plan?"
Everyone nodded not making a sound. This could be it. The end of all of us.
Most of the shifted were being led by a child, Snakegirl. And I hoped I didn't put too much on her shoulders. Ok, I know I put too much on her shoulders. But I also knew if I didn't, she'd have stuck near me, dying along side me in my foolish plan. She was loyal for sure.
If we did our job right, hers will be an easy one. Just sticking to the plan and trying not to die on her part.
I didn't care about anything anymore than her getting to safety, the bigger picture was now out of my mind as I selfishly hoped at the very least, she made it out if no one else did.
The dirt dug into the palms of my hands as I kneeled down to crawl thru the small opening.
Everyone followed but one.
"Ok, go tell the others we made it through," I told the shifted and they spun and ran off, itching to get away.
The sounds of music carried through the wind to us as we walked through the edge of the street hoping to not spot anyone. When Snakegirl came to check if the children were at school this hour, she heard it too. They've been celebrating for hours now, the sun about to go down.
And all the children? Were being cared for, at their school.
"This is it?" I slapped a hand over Matter's mouth as he was about to whistle.
"Anyone could come at any moment keep it down. And yes, this is their school," I indicted to what had to be the largest building in town. It's windows indicted two floors. Snakegirl said the top floor housed the children.
"Well now, how can I go back to our school, sitting shoulder to shoulder with everyone in a cramped hut?" Games joked dressed in tan trousers and a black shirt that hung off of him.
"There won't be a home to go back to after today," Sail said and the air stilled around us and a silence descended as everyone processed that information.
I looked into the blue abyss that was Sail eyes and wished I had convinced her to join Snakegirls group. But she refused. Wouldn't hear it as I begged her it wasn't going to end well.
I hadn't made it known just how suicidal my plan was for us. I fully expected us all to die. There was a slim chance we would be taken as prisoners. But only if everything went according to plan.
Those standing by me now, think I have an escape plan.
I knew I should have been completely honest. But I couldn't, not in front of the other Shifted. They would panic. Snakegirl might refuse.
But I couldn't lead these shifted to death without giving them a chance to back out now.
"Ok everyone," we formed an sort of small circle as I looked from them to the school. "This plan ends in two ways," I held up a finger. "Being captured and possibly tortured or two," I held up another finger. "Being killed. Freedoms isn't in the cards for us." I let that sink in as I looked around. There was about twenty of us. "I need someone to go back and tell the others that we made it in the schoolhouse. And then another to run back when we've successfully taken over the school. These small window of opportunities will grant you your freedom. But after that, after the humans have come to demand we release their children, there won't be anymore chances of escape. Either they'll hold us as prisoners or they'll kill us. And most likely, it's the later."
I looked at Sail, begging with my eyes that she would be one to stand back but she looked bored as she inspected her nails. Fuck. It hurt. She was as close of a friend as I've ever had before Snakegirl and Josalena came along. I didn't want to see the light leave her eyes.
"Anyone?" My voice came out as a squeak as everyone looked resolved to stay. It warmed my heart but also made my stomach hurt.
There was no way of knowing if this would even work. We could all die for nothing and our people remain enslaved.
It should be fool proof. Most adults would be inebriated with alcohol, these children were defenseless with only a handful of caretakers who weren't fighters or guards. The guards would flock to us in a panic, leaving maybe only a few behind to watch the entrance to the shifteds domain. The shifted over there could handle a few guards. And we had a plan for incase bystanders tried to help, incase more guards than we think stayed behind. But it all seemed perfect. Because all guards weren't on duty today, so used to working they were probably drunk off their asses enjoying themselves today on their one day off.
So it should be a perfect plan. But nothing was perfect and my heart was pounding out of my chest.
"Well someone is going to have to go back, so I'll choose," at my words Sail glared at me.
I crossed my arms. " I have final say." I knew I would pick Sail but it was hard to choose among them all. It was unfair. My eyes landed on Dox, a shifted I knew had a young daughter. If I thought on everyone's story here, I knew I would want to choose them all.
"Sail you go back as soon as we make it inside, so stay here."
"I will not-" she started to protest.
"No arguments, unless someone else wants to volunteer." Everyone stayed silent. Determined looks.
Sail looked angry at me, but nodded. "Fine."
"Ok you stay here, it's time guys," I told the rest. Everyone nodded and sneaked across the street. I stayed, turning to Sail I threw my arms around her.
"I'm sorry I hope you understand."
"I don't," she sniffed. "Because you'll be here and I'll be safe. And it's not fair," she sniffed holding on to me.
"None of us will be safe," I muttered. "I'm sorry." We pulled away. This was the most intimate we've ever been which is crazy because we've seen every inch of each others bodies. But it was always physical. "You've been a good friend Sail, whatever happens tonight I appreciate you and our time together."
She laughed punching my arm. "I love you too idiot." My heart hurt. I kept alone most of my life but I realized today I wasn't as alone as I thought. I would truly miss my neighbors and the shifted community. Or I guess I wouldn't, I thought bitterly, if I died tonight.

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