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The Avengers were no strangers to time travel. No, of course not, they had fucked up the multiverse by doing that once, and now Wanda had to do it too in order to fix their mess. Maybe if they left the sorcery to the sorcerer's, they wouldn't be in this stupid, stupid situation right now.

Searing hot liquid burnt her tongue as she flinched away, putting down a mug of coffee she had brewed as she declared it too hot. Amongst her thoughts, she had seemingly forgot how to function as a human. The day before, the team, mainly consisting of Tony and Thor, pieced together the semantics of throwing a party on a whole other planet, and had set the date for the next day. Somehow, most people were on board with it, practically wriggling in their seats at the prospect of being on Asgard.

Wanda supposed in any other circumstance, she herself would find more enjoyment in it, but instead, it sounded like a complete and utter waste of time, not to mention, a terrible suggestion from Loki. What was he playing at? He knew better than anyone that they didn't have time to waste, especially not over a party of all things. But despite herself, she had hesitantly agreed to get ready with Nat and Pepper later that evening, unwillingness seeping in her bones as she forced a smile as to disguise her internal turmoil.

But first, she had some interrogating to do. There was clearly an ulterior motive behind travelling to Asgard first, and despite her own hatred, she knew Loki wasn't stupid. It couldn't be a complete waste of time, but she needed to know whether the reason would benefit the universe and its broken state, or just himself.

Setting aside her scorching mug, she abandoned it onto the table as she strode with new determination set in her blood, fuelled with her own curiosity.

Walking past multiple doors she had no idea as to where led, she suddenly came to the realisation that she didn't exactly know where she was going, where do snakes usually reside?

Her attention was caught by a loud, hearty chuckle from a room behind her, and she recognised it to be that of Pietro. Realisation dawned over her. What else could the God of Mischief be doing if not stirring mischief. Cursing furiously under her breath, she twisted on her heel and made for the room she had passed.

The sight she found was not what she had been expecting.

Instead of Loki in there, brewing some type of mind game chaos with Pietro, it was a random platinum blonde girl, the same one she had seen with him on the jet a mere few days ago, who was smiling and blushing furiously from her seat.

Her seat being Pietro's lap.

"Oh- sorry for uhm- I'll just go," Wanda uttered out awkwardly, embarrassment sliding down her spine as she cringed, pursing her lips tightly. Not only had she not found who she had been looking for, she had discovered a sight that would no doubt be plastered in her mind for the rest of the day. Fuck's sake, Wanda.

Casting a glance up at a grand clock embroidered with what seemed to be rather expensive stones- diamonds perhaps?- she was sentenced with a startling reminder that they had to set out for Asgard soon, and she was due to Nat's room. Time to hurry this up.

Gaining speed in her stride, she scrounged up other ideas of where to find him, every other time she had stumbled across the God, his presence had been the last thing she wanted, but now that she did, he was nowhere to be found. At this point, his purpose may just be to live to annoy her. Stupid trickster, stupid Multiverse, stupid-

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