Chapter 7: Library hours

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*......*- action
"......"- thoughts/thinking

3rd POV

It was only a couple of minutes since
Y/n was unconscious kuroka was still sleeping on Y/n's stomach in her kitten form and akeno was now infront of rias sitting on the chair helping rias with the paper work that needs to be finished for today.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door the rest of the ORC members who are present looked at each other in confusion but rias told them to enter and it reveled to be sona.

Rias: Sona this is quite a surprise visit is there something you need?

Sona looked at rias and shake her head with a small smile on her face.

Sona: some students heard someone shouting and crying  so they immidietly went to me and report about it.

She then looked the sleeping girl on the couch and pointed at her

Sona:and what happened to Y/n?

Rias: sorry about the noise and as for     
Y/n lets just say akeno was a bit rough on her.

And in that statement sona thought differently her face a bit red by the the misunderstanding as she thought akeno did some indecent things which only made her blush grew more red.

Koneko: They played chess not too long ago and akeno was the winner *munch*

And our misunderstanding savior cute koneko who was eating another chocolate bar saved the day and cleared that one up sona coughed and got back her composure she then saw the table with a chess board and all the pieces in place and besides the board was three decks of different cards sona understood what happened and just nodded her head she then turned around to leave but stopped for a moment and said.

Sona: make sure to wake Y/n up before 9 am we wouldnt want another incident like the last one happen again.

Rias only nodded her head as sona was now out of the room and closing the door as she walked back to the student council room in the school building.

Rias then looked at the time and see it was only 8:29 am so she let Y/n sleep a little longer and went back doing her paper work same goes with akeno who has been quiet for the entire conversation between rias and sona her face expressionless but her eyes was raging in fury.

Rias: akeno are you alright?

Rias looked at akeno with worry on her eyes she knew how possesive she is if she ever finds someone that interests her and that someone was Y/n her possessiveness truly rivals her sadistic nature .

Akeno smiled at rias

Akeno: im alright president.

Rias: "no your not you may be calm but your eyes are showing signs of killing intent"

Time skip

It was now 8:40 am so rias who was finally done with the paper work with the help of akeno was about to stand up to wake Y/n but akeno immidietly got up first and was now besides Y/n as she looked at Y/n lovingly possessive but she refrained from doing anything drastic since the others are here if it was only the two of them in the room she would have ravage and make Y/n her's on the spot but for now those fantasy's are only fantasy's for now.

Akeno: Y/n wake up.

Akeno said while shaking Y/n gently but only kuroka was the one that woke up.

Akeno: Y/n its already a few minutes until 9 am

Y/n didnt even open her eyes a bit luckily tho kuroka the kitten understood the situation so she jumped up to the top of the couch and jumped luckily akeno immidietly backed away a bit as to not get hit as kuroka landed on Y/n's stomach which resulted for Y/n to wake up and immidietly sat up from her sleeping position akeno didnt approve for this one bit she was actually going to do the sleeping beuty tactic where she would kiss Y/n and Y/n would wake up but she guessed that this works too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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