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"What?!" Queen yoo asked in shock. It felt like her heart was about to stop after hearing this rumor. "Have you checked properly? It's just a rumor isn't it? I need to hush those damn maids." Queen yoo said with a glare.

"It is true!"

"A prince with a maid? That is absurd. Who is this girl?" Queen yoo asked.

"She works under lady jisoo.."

"People from her manor just cannot stay out of trouble. Send someone to handle it for me and shut those maids up about the prince being in love with a measly maid, who knows what the king will do if he finds out this information." Queen yoo says annoyed.

"Yess You're highness."


As Sooyeon was going to serve lady soo, she was approached by the 13th prince, baek ah. "What are you doing? We are not allowed to be seeing each other. You know we will be in more trouble, I heard the rumor has spread everywhere and I'm afraid the queen might've heard about it."

"I'm sorry, I just missed you. And also I wanted to give you this gift." Prince baek ah said smiling. "Well thanks, but I have to go." She said grabbing the present and walking away to her lady's manor.

As Sooyeon was pouring the tea, she looked at her lady nervously. "I've heard the rumors. You have to be more careful. What if this news gets out to the queen? She's not a nice person..what if she tries to harm you? I don't need things to worry about right now. Just promise me you'll stay out of trouble Sooyeon ah." Lady soo said sighing.

"I promise." Sooyeon says giving lady soo the tea. "What is that in You're hand?"

"Oh nothing..I've just been practicing my writing..skills is all.." Sooyeon says smiling slightly.

"Oh alright. Remember what I've told you okay?"

"Yes lady soo." She said bowing and walking back to her room. She sat down and slowly opened up the paper. Noticing it was a completed drawing of her. "I thought he wasn't able to finish this." She said to herself.

She smiled brightly, looking at every detail on the drawing. He seemed to have really took a good look at her, because he was able to memorize everything about her and still
Complete the drawing even with her not being there.

It made her happy, but also sad because it reminded her that she could never be with someone like him. They weren't a match, he seemed like someone who would love her effortlessly and tenderly, but all because of the strict rules of goryeo, a maid wasn't allowed to date or marry a prince. This wouldn't be a possibility for them.

Scarlet heart ryeo: Baek Ah.Where stories live. Discover now