"I finally end the dance "

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Listen to the song while reading for the feels

Y/N'S Pov

Our relationship didn't suddenly fall apart .

It slowly crashed . Bit by bit to a point to which I'm almost convinced we cant fix it .

Me and Mattheo started out great. Stronger than ever but over the years we kind of just weakened over the years . We pretend we're fine and just don't talk to each other. I call this situation .... our dance. It has certain steps which we both do on a daily basis . Smile near each other , kiss each other and just.... keep doing it on repeat .

As I stand near the window tracing the promise ring he gave me, all i can think about is where it all went downhill. Then i think about opening the box .

Mattheo has a box filled with letters he wrote to me. He said that in a world where we break up , I have to open the box, read the letters. I dont even know why he writes letters and why he cant just talk to me .

Before i can open the drawer i hear footsteps . Mattheo's home .

"Hey what are you doing?" he askes like he's supposed to. Like its a chore .

"I don't know ."

He glances over at the table and his eyes widen.

I can hear the fear in his voice when he askes "Were you going to open the box?"

"Maybe I- I honestly don't know "

"Why do you wanna open it ?"

"Do you really want to know Mattheo ?"

I continue when he doesn't reply "Its because lately it feels like all we do is hide from each other. I don't talk to you , you don't talk to me .I'm tired of this . "

Mattheo's POV:

"Do you honestly think I'm happy with whatever this is ? "

She doesn't say anything but the way she's looking at me kills me. Its like she doesn't even recognize me.

"I heard you cry. Every night last week ." All because of me . "I want to be with you Y/N but not when my presence only seems to bring you pain now ."

"We live in the same house, we sleep on the same bed , eat in the same dining room but I have never felt so alone . We keep acting like its fine when it's not fine . Not one bit." I say as tears swell in my eyes .

She lets out a shaky breath and says "It is impossible to read you . Sometimes I think you just tolerate me "

"You really think I don't love you ?"

" I know you used to . But I don't think you love the person I've become." she says as her voice cracks.

My heart break a little .

"We have to do this ." She says and immediate fear washes over me .

"No please no Y/N I love you ,you know that " I sob .


Seeing him cry just breaks my heart .

I hug him and run my fingers through his hair.

Its for the best Mattheo . One day you'll understand

I kiss him on his chest, just above his heart and then pull away .

I finally end the dance .

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