The light in Ba Sing Se was different. It appeared less intense, more serene, as if the heat was gentler in this part of the world and the sun was in its favourite mood. It snuck into the room looking lighter than ever, or perhaps Akira only thought so because for once his room was engulfed in shades of green and not scarlet. He looked at the change in light for a long time, still unwilling to leave his bed. He didn't quite remember the last time he had let himself just rest in bed. He had nowhere to go today. No training, no responsibilities. He reasoned that that's what being in a vacation felt like. He imagined he would be soon getting tired of it.
Despite his earlier reluctance, it was easy for him to leave the bed once he put his mind to it. He made the bed out of habit before he had even gotten dressed and then headed over to where he had left his clothes last night. Green clothes had been placed right next to his own—no doubt while he had been asleep—along with a pair of shoes that matched in colour. He pursed his lips. It seemed like fitting in was advised today.
He wore the clothes laid out for him after fussing a bit with the different designs. He decided to wear his hair the way he always did in the traditional Fire Nation way, and then left his room. He thought to knock on Katara's door as he passed by but in the end hesitated, and never did. He reasoned with himself he would be seeing her later and so he walked on, to where he vaguely remembered was the living room. Voices were heard the closer he got, and soon, he was able to distinguish them. It was Sokka and Katara.
"What do you mean you – Katara-"
"What do you even care-"
"Of course I-"
Sokka's voice got quiet, more like a harsh whisper, and Katara's voice was just as soft to his ears. He walked on, curious and alarmed at the same time. He had never heard the siblings arguing. The whispering back and forth continued as he got into the living room. Sokka and Katara were standing right in front of each other, her lips pursed while he was telling her something he never managed to hear. Sokka noticed him. He instantly fell silent. Katara turned to where Sokka was looking. She stole a last glance at her brother and then she walked over.
"Hey," she murmured. He met her gaze, his brows furrowed as he looked at Sokka one more time, only to see him watching them. He turned back to her, evidently troubled. She offered him a smile. "Everything's fine." She leaned in to place a short kiss on his lips he could have never foreseen. It had the desired effect; he was no longer furrowing his brows, his concern momentarily forgotten. She reached for his hand and gently led him away. "I've never seen you in green before."
"Me neither," he replied as he resisted the urge to turn back and look at Sokka. "I can't say it's my favourite colour on me."
"Yeah," she agreed with a small chuckle. "It looks a bit weird."
He hummed, "I like you in blue more."
Katara looked down at the green dress she was wearing and nodded her head. "Me too."
She had led him to a backyard, he realised when the light of day grew more intense. She let go of his hand now they had reached her desired destination and walked ahead, reached a bench below a tree and sat down. Akira followed her lead, and when he had joined her, he turned to face her.
"What was that about? With your brother?"
She turned to him with a knowing look. "I knew you wouldn't let that go."
He smiled, but still raised an expectant brow at her. "Well?"
She shook her head. "Just Sokka being Sokka. He was asking about you and I, that's all."
"You told him?" he couldn't help but ask, his confusion returning. Katara shook her head.
"No, he guessed. I basically confirmed it but he hadn't known for sure until today."
Akira slowly nodded his head, as if he understood. He let a beat of silence pass, then another. He finally then cleared his throat. "He is against this, isn't he?"
"He's just being protective," she rolled her eyes. "He doesn't know you. So he's suspicious, that's just how he is I've learnt to ignore it."
"Are you fine with this, though?" he gently pressed. "I can go talk to him if you want."
"No," she instantly shook her head as Akira leaned forward and grabbed her hand. He ran his thumb over her palm and as she looked at him, he sent her a smile.
"I mean it. I wouldn't mind it."
"His girlfriends never had the need to talk to me about their relationship with him so you will not do it either," she insisted, so he nodded.
"If your father – don't look at me like that, I have to say it." Katara—who had been looking at him as if he was saying something stupid—let out a sigh, looked away, and then turned to face him once more, her look significantly softer than before. He continued with a small smile. "You invited me to the South Pole and I'm thinking of accepting. If you father has any issue with this, considering our history, I will talk to him."
"You won't."
"No, Akira," she said, this time firmly. "If he has any problem I will talk to him first. That's not something you should do."
"Fine," he yielded. "But if you need any help-"
"Alright," she allowed, "you will help if it gets to that."
They were silent for a little while, and that's how long it took for them to no longer be alone. Aang and Toph got outside in the backyard, Toph talking animatedly about something they couldn't hear. Aang looked their way and for a moment, Akira was certain he would move on without saying a word and ignore them. He was caught a bit off guard when Aang told something to Toph and then they both started walking towards them. Katara heard them approaching as well and looked up. Aang sent her a smile, and after a moment, he directed that same smile to Akira. He tried to not show his surprise.
"You are up early," Aang said in lieu of greeting. "I didn't expect that from Katara since she tends to sleep in, and with how tired you were, I didn't think you would be up at this hour either, Akira."
"It must be the air of Ba Sing Se," Katara lightly joked.
Akira shrugged, "The sun's calling to me no matter what I've done the previous days."
"Sounds tough," Toph commented. "What are you going to do today since the Ambassadors of the Earth King have given us the day off?"
"I was thinking of taking a stroll around the Upper Ring," Katara suggested, and instantly Akira nodded.
"I would like to see the city in the light of day." He turned to Aang and Toph with a friendly smile. "Do you have any suggestions? Anywhere we should go?"
"Katara knows where to take you," Aang waved him off, unaware he had just cut off Toph who had been ready to speak. She kept quiet as he turned to her. "Toph and I were thinking of going to the palace and annoying the Ambassadors for a while."
Katara instantly protested. "That's not going to work-"
"Do it," Akira cut her off, his smile widening by the second. He squeezed Katara's hand in apology as he looked at Aang with a grin. "It probably won't work but it will wear them down. I will deal with them tomorrow if they still refuse to see you."
"Finally, someone who agrees," Toph cracked her fingers. "Zuko said it was unprofessional-"
"Zuko always talked after I had made the deal," Akira waved her off, "don't listen to Zuko."