Chapter 4.5: Birth of the Moon Herrscher (Part: Finale)

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A/N: I have nothing to say, well... that's not entirely true I do have something to say, I am adding a few new abilities to some of the hunters that Lucian can summon, you'll see what I mean later on in the chapter. Here have another comic(or two).

 Here have another comic(or two)

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"Mikel and Lucian talking to each other, beast and hunters with their minds"


The battle between the fallen hunter of Yharnam and the Valkyrie of Schicksal rages on, one was trained to hunt her fellow hunters that sunk into crimson madness while the other was trained to protect her friends from long ranges.

Both sides clashed fiercely, one who has eldritch magic and skill equal to that of something inhuman. While the other has advance technology and hidden powers equal to that of a god, if only the Valkyrie could call upon its full power instead of a fraction of its original power.

Lucian began to reach into his pocket again and pulled out the dagger, but instead of holding it like a dagger, he held it like a flute. He closed his eyes as he pressed his lips on to the slit of the dagger and began to play it.

As Lucian continued to play, a blue aura began to surround the dagger the aura began to spread to Lucian engulfing him in the blue aura. As he stopped playing, a shock wave of the blue aura was sent out around him. Eileen was engulfed with the blue aura, increasing her speed to the point that she began to blur with such speed. Bronya was engulf with the blue aura as well, but instead of gain speed, she was slowed down.

The speed difference became apparent when Bronya couldn't keep up with Eileen, the only thing she could do was be on defense until the affect wore off. The others watch as Eileen used her speed to attack Bronya from different sides, she struggled to keep up as each time Eileen passed her. A sword slashes appeared all over project bunny, after a few more slashes appeared on project bunny the blue aura disappeared on both of them.

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