Part 5

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The rest of the holidays were boring, the four of us hung out at night while hanging out with everyone else during the day.

Fred and George seem the most excited about no sleep.

It was a hassle to keep the anger inside ourselves from surfacing at times but I had, at the start of the holidays, sent a letter to McGonagall to shift my classes.

I got an approval letter in my Hogwarts Letter and smiled.

We all have a Telepathic Connection we can open or close at will.

I open mine.

'I was approved to change my classes, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures' Our Telepath Voice is the same as our Animatronic one, mine is Springtrap.

'This year'll be so much fun!' Hermione cheers. 'I'm getting a Time Turner to take all the classes'

'Those are highly restricted, something doesn't feel right about you being approved for one' George says.

'Yeah, I mean, Dumbledore would of had to pull a ton of strings to get you one' Fred says as he gets up to put his plate in the sink.

'Unless... If he already had one' I manage to say before Mrs Weasley starts talking.

"Alright kids we'll head to Diagon Alley as you've got your Book Lists now, we'll Floo"

I groan mentally and the others laugh at me.

I take a punch of Floo Powder and toss it into the fire. "Diagon Alley!"

Unlike last time it wasn't nauseating, my Death was more useful than I expected.

I step out of the fire and to the side as Hermione steps out and I hug her.

"I'm surprised we didn't fall over" she muttered softly.

"Meh, we're different now I guess" I smirk.

We all split up and I head to Gringotts, we walk in and I get a Flash of William's memory.


I stumble into an alleyway and collapse against a trash bin.

I'm so tired... I haven't had any Remnant for months now... By all rights I should have deactivated.

Sheer will keeps me going...

I will find you Henry...

And with you I'll find Glitchtrap.


I nearly miss a step but recover and walk to a Goblin.

I wait patiently as he finishes counting and looks up at me.


"Here for a withdrawal" I hand him my key.

He looks at it and anger fills his eyes.

"About time you showed up! We've been sending you letters for 6 months now!" He spits.

"I've never received a letter from this establishment"

"Don't lie! You send back a letter every time!"

"I haven't because I NEVER received a letter. And my Owl has been flying back and forth from France for a good chunk of the Holidays"

The Goblin looks directly into my eyes and I keep eye contact with him.


He presses a button and sirens go off, everyone else in the room is popped out of the building and the door seal shut.

Guards come running in and point swords at us.

"Those... Won't affect us" I remark, gently pushing a sword to the side.

'Hermione, don't transform, I'll handle this'

I transform.

"Afterall... You cannot kill what is already dead" I growl out.

"What are you!" One guard demands, stabbing his sword at me.

I let it pierce and turn my head towards him.

"I just said that wouldn't be effective... I was just here to withdraw some money and this one said that I wasn't answering letters I never received"

We are poked and prodded towards one of the tunnels and we let them push us along with their swords.

After a ton of complicated twists and turns we come out into a large hall.

"So you're the ones who caused the bank to enter lockdown mode" A goblin one the Throne says, his voice booming.

"Apparently" I change back to human form after removing the sword.

"What are you?"

"Human... But we're dead... We possess Animatronics, Animal robots"

"And your family names?"

"Potter, Halfblood"

"Granger, Muggleborn"

"You aren't intimidated by meeting the Goblin King who could have you destroyed?"

"Technically that just gives us more forms" I explain. "And since we're dead... You can't really do much to us that's lasting"

"I could take your Gold away"

"And we're immortal, don't need to eat, drink or sleep so we don't need money, we can get jobs as remake that money without spending a single coin"

"I could have you imprisoned"

"I can travel through Shadows, escaping is simple"

"I can set you on fire and melt you"

"Been there done that" I turn into Burntrap momentarily.

"I could tell the Ministry" He's getting angry.

"They already don't like me, next"

"I could turn you into slaves"

"With what sort of threat? We can't die, escape is simple, fire can't do shit, the Ministry would be after me anyways to kill Voldemort when he returns... Face it Goblin King, you can't do anything to us" He gnashes his teeth, clearly enraged, before calming and begins to chuckle.

For a moment I stand there stunned.

His chuckles turn to full blown laughter, he laughs for a fair few minutes before eventually calming.

"Mr Potter... It has been a long time since someone has been able to make me laugh, I hear you haven't been getting any letters from Gringotts?"


"What do you know of your family?" He asks, much warmer than earlier.

"Nothing really, only my parents names, appearance from pictures... And... That Mom did something to protect me from Voldemort"

"What about your Lordship to the Potter Family?"

"What's a Lordship?" The look on his face gives me a sinking feeling in my gut.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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