The driver opens the car door for us " Alpha, where to today?"
"the diner, can't go to far or she might run off" he chuckles
"of course sir" he bows his head as Alpha shoves me in the car following right behind me.
I get into me seat and buckle up. Alpha Jones laughs
"did I do something funny Alpha?"
"Not necessarily, I just think it's funny that your not trying to run"
I give him a tight smile and look out the window of the car, looking at the Beautiful land surrounding us.
Alpha phone starts to ring, with a huff he pulls it out " hello Timothy , what's so urgent you needed to call?"
That name, Timothy, sent shivers down my spine. I could feel my wolf stretching and purring. Wait Why is she purring...?
The car starts driving and I can see the land is surrounded by mountains, so no wonder it's so cold.5 minutes pass as we pull up to the pack diner. The bright sign shines with the name "Doggie diner" it's older looking but it's not run down. It looks almost new.
Alpha hangs up his phone " I may have to step out for a moment during our date my sweet"
Nausea washes over me "I understand Alpha" forcing a smile to hide my disgust
He unbuckles me as the driver opened the door for us.
Alpha Jones Stepped out and offered his hand to me
I took it, instantly regretting it. His hands were clammy and I could tell he wanted to use his hands in other ways on me. He couldn't take his eyes off of me. They sporadically went up and down my body. As we walk into the diner I noticed it's completely empty except for the employees
"I have the place reserved for us so we could talk"
I nod letting him lead us to the table
A young woman who I assume is our waitress comes over "good morning Alpha and Miss,what can I get you two to drink today?"
I began to open my mouth but Alpha spoke for me " she will have a water and I will have a coffee"
The waitress begins placing down our menus
"We'll only need one menu" he stays with a tight smile
The Waitress nodded and walked away to go get the drinks, bringing my menu with her.
Anger began to boil my blood, no one has ever had the audacity to order for me before.
"Are you alright dear?" He says with a slight bit of concern on his face
I nod and give him a smile afraid that if I open my mouth I will say something I shouldn't.
" this place is lovely isn't it?" He says trying to make a conversation with me. I wasn't to pleased with the situation I was in so I didn't care for being polite.
"Oh yes indeed" I say with a fake ass smile on my face, I refer to this smile as the -customer service smile.
" this place is the -" he's cut off as the diner door opens.
Alpha stands up and walks towards the person who just entered.
"Timothy you better have a damn good reason for interrupting us"
" sir you need it to take this call, it's about Alpha Lucifer"
Uneasiness washes over me, he knows Alpha Lucifer?
" fine but keep my breeder company, she might run off"
He takes the phone and walks out if the diner
I smell it again, the lavender and honey smell, but this time my wolf is wide awake pacing back and forth " what's wrong?" She doesn't answer me.
Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, sparks of electricity rush to my core. I look at the hand and follow it up to the man it's attached to.
He's a tall man, the way I was sitting was making it hard for me to really get a good look at his height. His dark brown hair was neatly done with a single piece of hair touching his forehead. My eyes travel to his eyes. His eyes are black, pitch black. I feel myself getting warmer with each second.
He leans down and whispers "I know your mine little wolf"
Then he stands back up as the Alpha comes back handing him the phone.
"we need to head back, I have some stuff to attend too" he says looking at Timothy. I still can't take my eyes off of him, the I hear the words I've wished for, come from my wolf
"Mate" she screams. Unable to speak my jaw hangs wide open. I had found my mate...
Both Alpha and Timothy look at me.
"dear please close your mouth, your not a fly trap"
I slam my mouth closed " sorry sir, I'm just shocked that we didn't get to finish our date"
Timothy becomes uneasy, I'm assuming his wolf is trying to take over hearing the words "date" come from my mouth.
"Ah yes well I'll have the cooks make us Togo boxes" He walks off going to tell the waitress our new plans.
I look back at Timothy " your my mate?" I ask still shocked
He smiles and puts his finger to his lips motioning for me to be quiet. He takes his hand and runs his finger over my lips, sending my body into overdrive. I let out a soft moan.
I look down embarrassed but I also noticed that Timothys slacks have become much tighter. Specifically in his groin region.
He takes my hand calling out to Alpha "I'm taking her to the car"
"Alright, do you want to catch a ride back with us?"
" No sir I need to go for a run"
" We will meet you back at the pack house then"
Timothy nods in understanding.
As we walk to the car every step we take sends a bolt of electricity to my core. I'm sure I'm soaked at this point and in need of some new underwear. Just him walking alone turned me on.
" I can smell how I turn you on little Wolf" he says as he opens the door
" we'll I'm not going to lie you are quite handsome" feeling blush run to my cheeks.
He smirks as he helps me into the car "don't mention this to anyone, I'll do it, when the time is right" I nod as he closes the door. Hesitating momentary before walking back to Alpha.this is going to be a long day....

Betas Breeder
Werewolf"Beth you need to run! they're almost here!" I shake my head trying to get the fog to go away, looking over at the clock I realize it's minutes away from midnight. I sit up and grab her hands" mom you know I can't I'll be killed if I do" " it'...