🌟Chapter 4 :- ( New Challenge )🌟

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🌟Jayden's Pov🌟

Mom and Dad had turned our guest room into makeshift nursery with teen sized toddler crib/crib makeshift , a rocking chair in the corner , a supply closet with all clothes and a mang stuffed toys.

I don't know how but I was surprised when I saw Mom bringing my favorite stuffed toy which I used to cuddle as a child.

I don't know how but I was surprised when I saw Mom bringing my favorite stuffed toy which I used to cuddle as a child

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" Stewie !!! Mom where did you find him ? " I asked.

" I was looking for something In the attic and look who I found , I cleaned and got Stewie all good , you used to take it everywhere " Mom said smiling and gave Stewie to me.

" Thanks Mom " I said.

" Your welcome , I need to help your Dad to put some stuff In your nursery " Mom said.

" It's not my nursery " I said blushing.

" Awww sorry sweetie I am just excited to have my baby boy back ,
I think this is your best chance to fix your things with your father "
Mom said.

" What do you mean ? " I asked.

" Jayden I know you miss spending time with your Dad , you and Preston are his whole world but being a cop it becomes really difficult , I think you guys need to talk it out " Mom said and I nodded.

Next day....

Today was really Important day because school was sending someone for supervision.

Accepting to pretend to be a baby for a while wasn't a big thing was it ?

Preston would be leaving for University in a few months If everything went well , as much as he could a be a d*ck head but he was still my big brother.

" What ! Aww come on - " I said.

" It's either me or Mom ? babies can't get dressed themselves ? right "
Preston asked and I rolled my eyes.

" - Whatever " I said and we got upstairs.

" Now strip " Preston said.

" Your such a pervert ! " I said blushing.

" Hey ! it's not the first time I am saw you naked baby bro - " Preston said.

" Things are different now - "
I mumbled.

" Gross ! Jayden , let's get over it before the person appointed by the
school get's home " Preston said patting the changing table.

" Gross ! Jayden , let's get over it before the person appointed by theschool get's home " Preston said patting the changing table

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" You are acting like weirdo "
I said and lying down on the changing table naked.

" You look naked as a Jaybird , what an irony " Preston said.

" S..Shut ! Up ! It's your fault I am in this position , so stop making this situation awkward " I said.

" Alright ! Uh...Jayden we need to get rid of those pubic hair...." Preston said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

" What!?? No ! " I said covering my privates.

" Mom will kill me If you get a diaper rash , those are pretty nasty "
Preston said.

" I am not getting rid of my pubic hair " I said.

" They will grow back ! you promised you will help " Preston said.

" Oh right , thanks for reminder ,
now you will give be $400 " I said.

" That was not a part of the deal ! "
Preston said.

" - This was not part of the deal either " I said.

" Fine ! $400 is it , now hurry up "
Preston said and brought hair removing spray.

" You sure that's good ? " I asked.

" Yep you should have seen Mom's face when she was buying all baby stuff , she was really happy "
Preston sprayed some foam on my pubic hair and wiped them off with towel.

" I am already feeling like a toddler without my pubic hair " I said.

" Ah ! look Mr Freeman got these special custom made Pampers diapers only for you " Preston said as he powdered my butt and quickly taped Pampers.

Pampers weren't those thick but it really felt like fluffy cusion.

" It feels like I am sitting on cloud "
I said.

" Let's get you into new outfit ,
Mom got this one only for you "
Preston said getting ' Cookie Monster '
t-shirt and shorts.

" Let's get you into new outfit ,Mom got this one only for you "Preston said getting ' Cookie Monster ' t-shirt and shorts

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" Remind me never let Mom do clothes shopping for me " I said and Preston chuckled.

" Ah ! here's your pacifier ! "
Perston said clipping the pacifier to the t-shirt and carried me downstairs.

" Oh my god !! you look so adorable ! "
Mom said hugging me almost getting me squished

" Ugh Mom ! let me breath "
I said and Mom put me down.

" I am sorry Jaybird " Mom said.

" - I hope you boys get this worked out , I need to go , I need to attend a bank robbery case " Dad said.

" - Dad " I said.

" - I will be home asap bud " Dad said smiling and ruffled my hair.

There was a knock on the door.

" I will get It " Mom said opening the door and a girl about Preston's age maybe few years older than him stood there.

She had brown hair and hazel eyes.

She had brown hair and hazel eyes

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( Piper Danvers ⬆⬆⬆ )

" Hi ! I am Piper Danvers , I am appointed for supervision by Franklin.D.Roosevelt High to make sure all rules are followed for Babysitter Project " Piper said smiling.

" Hello sweetheart , please come Inside " Mom said and Piper nodded getting Inside.

" Damn she is hot..." Preston said.

" Stop hitting on the girl idiot , she just got here " I said.

" Piper meet my boys , Preston and Jayden " Mom said.

" Hi ! " Preston said.

" Hi Piper ! " I said smiling.

" Let's get started , so before I get started , where is the baby ? "
Piper asked.

" Right here - " Preston and pointing at me.

" So your going to be the baby for
Next 3 months , I have supervised many Babysitter Project candidates but seriously this one is really unique " Piper said.

" You have no idea " I said glaring at

" Alright first of all we need to set a certain age range , we can't just determine that your going to be a baby , so what she would you like to be ? " Piper asked.

" I would consider age group between
2-5 years old " I said.

I didn't want to be stuck as a babbling baby when Piper would be here.

" Alright , how about we start by setting dome basic rules ? when I am around Jayden you will have to follow them , If you break them Preston will be getting minus point on his report "
Piper said.

" You better follow everything she says , I don't want to loose this second chance " Preston said.

" I know already ! " I said.

I am going to give Preston hell of time as a baby for making me do this.

Partially I am responsible for this stupid idea.

To Be Continued....


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