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"you said, they leave you alone now you are saying because of your beauty" Sarah explained on why she didn't understand his statement
"Okay, what I mean is that I prefer you knowing me for my character and whatever you can classify as my beauty" He said making Sarah look at him more confused
Then she hissed away
"Hey Andy!" Sarah called out
Andy turned and saw her then said "those love notes were rubbish, I don't have feelings for you. I just want to keep you in suspense" He said almost immediately
"Oh.okay, I called you for another reason" Sarah said as Andy came closer to her to hear the 'reason'
"So what is the reason?"
"I have a lot of questions to ask you like a lot" Sarah said faster than ever before out of shock
"Okay" Andy said smiling
"I thought grade 12 was excluded how do you participate?"
"Like I said, I wanted you to be in suspense so I told the board to put grade 12 excluded but to inform grade 12 that they should be allowed"
"Why did you save me? Like why are you the strange guy"
"I saved you because you needed help, dummy" He grinned
Sarah scratched her hair a little as she released she was indeed a dummy
"Okay so what you are telling me is that those love letters were suspense letters" She said as one of her eyebrows were raised
"Yeah" He answered
"So you are telling me you don't have feelings for me?"
"Yeah" He answered smiling "do you want me to have feelings for you or do like me as soon as you found out I am the strange guy. Well, I won't be surprised because I am also handsome myself"
"Gosh. No, no, no and no" Sarah groaned
"Whatever" Andy rolled his eyes
"So is this how beauty peagent has always been?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like I mean the mask stuff"
"No, that's one is planned"
"Okay, and that was also part of suspense, right?"
"I guess" He said looking away "and one more thing" He said looking at her
"What?" Sarah answered
"Don't make anyone know"
"Everyone knows already"
"Okay, whatever. I am going" He said as he left Sarah's sight
Sarah looked at him awkwardly
'At least all my answers had been solved' she consoled herself
"So what you are telling us is that you are the strange guy" Dun Bae asked really confused
"And now you made me look disgraceful when everyone thought I was the one" Ray said almost shouting at him
"Bro chill" Andy said looking at Ray awkwardly
"I should chill, it is you that should stop all this foolish thing you call 'suspense'" Ray said sincerely looking at Andy
Andy didn't say anything as he sip his coffee
"That is indeed true" Beaver said looking at Andy
"The first time you did something called 'suspense', you literally fell in love with the girl and made our group a shame" Sun Bae said remembering those days
"What is the big deal there?" Andy asked as he took his Samsung from the table next to him
"Are you kidding me? It took a while till we fixed it" Sun Bae blurted out
"What do you mean? Wasn't I the one that fixed it" Andy said as if he was the king of all
"Well since you were the one that caused it"
"Gosh dude, shut up" Andy said looking at him
"It is crazy if you don't know that" Ray said indeed freaking out
"But it isn't a big deal, bro" Andy said calming himself as well as Ray down
"Your might think that but we are don't" Dun Bae said looking at him with sincerity
"Whatever and what do you mean by falling in love?" Andy asked looking at Sun Bae
"Well, you know why should I say everything with my mouth" Sun Bae said eating out of his fries
"You know I didn't fall for the girl but the girl did"
"Yeah and it ended up with pain" Sun Bae admitted almost smiling
"Gosh dude, keep quiet for once" Andy said looking at him furiously
"So if Sarah falls for you, you will date her" asked Ray looking at him cynical
"Well, I don't know about that" Andy answered looking more furious as he looked back at his phone
"You better know" Ray said standing up to take his leave
"I am not the kind of dude that falls in love with anyone easily, I have already changed" Andy said with sincerity as everyone agreed except Ray

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