Chapter 55

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Trini's pov

Blaze returned with a smile on his face. "Great news, Sam and Kyle are fine. Bad news is they are in a very critical state for the next 72 hours. Well, just Sam. She was banged up bad. The bullet hit her near the spinal cord and the bullet also missed a few nerves.  Kyle is critical for 24 hours." I nodded.

"Thank you, Blaze." I told him. "No problem, Red." That was his nickname to me. Krystallo came and stood next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist. 'Possessive asshole.' I said to myself.

I sat down and Krystallo sat next to me. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed. "You want some coffee?" He asked me. I nodded.

He kissed my head and walked off. I was getting comfortable on my seat when Thea came and sat next to me. "Oh my God, Trini! It's been forever! How have you been?" She asked me. I smiled and hugged her.

"I know right, I have been well and you?" She smirked. "Amazing." I nodded. I saw that she seemed uncomfortable for some reason. "What have you been doing your whole life?" I asked her.

"You know, same old same old, kinda getting bored killing people." I laughed. She kept looking at her phone. 'Weird.' I thought. "I actually have to go." She said. I nodded. "Let's meet up at my house the following day?" I asked.

She nodded eagerly. "Great way to meet up." She said. "Your number is still the same, right?" I nodded and she walked away. Krystallo returned just a few minutes after that.

"A coffee for my lady with 2 sugars and extra cream." He said as he handed me the coffee. I thanked him and took a delicate sip. He followed suit.

"How about we head home so you can change? I want to take you out." I looked at him. "Really?" I asked. He nodded and kissed me. "I do."

We got up and I told Maria that I am heading home. She nodded and told me that she will head home later.


I took a quick shower and put on my favorite blue outfit, it looked like Elsa's Snow Queen outfit. The thing I enjoyed about was that it had a cape.

I let my hair down, put some perfume on and did my makeup. Once I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and twirled a bit to see if I missed anything, I then put on some silver heels and walked out the room to find Krystallo sitting in the living room looking at his phone.

He was wearing a blue suit with a black tie and a white dress shirt. He looked mesmerizing. He looked up and saw me, his eyes traveled over my body.

He got up and walked to me. He wrapped his arms around me and smirked. "You look beautiful." He whispered and kissed me.

I pulled away because he was gonna ruin my lipstick. "You clean up nicely too. I love blue on you." He chuckled and held my hand and pulled me along to the blue Maserati.

He opened the door for me and told me to go in. Once I was in and buckled up he closed the door and went to the driver's seat.

He started the engine and he drove off. He placed his one hand on my thigh and the other on the steering.


We arrived at a park. Huh? I am so confused. He opened the door for me and took my hand. "Why are we at a park?" I asked. He smirked. "Stop asking questions." He said.

I obeyed and just walked. He made us dress fancy, for what? For coming to a park. When we were in the park I saw a fancy gazebo with fairy lights and inside was a small table with 2 chairs and some candles on it with the champagne on a smaller table next to it. Once we got to it I gasped.

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