The Trick is

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Bridgerton House

Colin was once again submerged in water. This time, (unlike last time), was warm and soothing water. It nearly made him drift off to sleep. He of course, stayed awake, seeing as his mind kept him alert and his guilt followed. He couldn't forget Penelope's hopeless eyes staring at him. He crushed her dream and his in one full swipe. Why did he do it? What drove him to become so infuriated with his method? Was he just protecting her honor? A weird and uneasy feeling told him it was something entirely different that drove him to once again hurt her. 

He wants to blame his impulsive behaviors on the fact he see's Penelope as family. He wouldn't want to see any of sisters to go to such great lengths to find a match. Then again, his sisters wouldn't have to. They have suitors lining up at the door, literally. Francesca and Eloise have many suitors waiting for their turn. The masses are actually there for Fran because let's be honest Eloise is a loose cannon. A loose cannon that is also at odds with Pen. 

Why is that? Why hadn't he thought more deeply into why Eloise and Pen stand at opposite sides of the ballrooms. Both girls are avoiding each other. He missed out on those observations seeing how he so enraptured by Penelope. 

A few hours later

He had been searching top to bottom in this home and yet he still has yet to find Eloise. Where is she? He looked in the drawing room, the kitchen, the gardens, her room. Searching and searching and then he finally stumbles on his target going up the stairs with about a dozen books she's balancing in hand. 

"Eloise!" He says frustratedly.

"Where were you? I looked everywhere."

"Did you and mama morph into one another?" She says while putting her books on the staircase.

"What do you need brother?"

"Why are you and Penelope avoiding each other?"

She sucks in air, "I do not see how that concerns you Colin."

She turns and starts to gather her books.

"Penelope doesn't deserve whatever you're holding over her head El."

She turns around and gives him a deathly glare.

"You know not of what you speak of. Goodbye."

Well that went well. 

A few hours later in the day

He didn't know or understand why Penelope plagued his mind. And now his sister also joined her. He must figure out why they hate each other. He should also try to solve Pen's hopeless spirit while he's at it. If he knew what a mind twister he was in for by stepping back in London, he would've stayed in Italy. 

He might as well deep dive into why Penelope plagues his every thought. What bothers him most about this situation? That's easy. He keeps messing up, he keeps hurting her. And how does that make him feel? Like complete and utter rubbish. Great. He's really getting somewhere with this thought process. 

It's not use. He just keeps on feeling worse and worse. He crushed her hope of finding a husband. Which by the feels of the situation might've also been his doing. The whole finding a husband part. He could also somehow feel he was at fault for her not wanting a love match. Or it could just be her confidence lacking. Either way it would make him feel even more sick to think he crushed Pen's dream of finding true love. 

He must be the one that crushed it. She use to be so hopeful and cheery. People that are hopeful and cheery usually believe in love. She stopped believing in it. Probably due to his embarrassing behavior the night of the Featherington ball. Basically laughing in the face of anyone that may harbor feelings or possible love for Pen. Crushing not only her feelings but also her possible love interest from pursuing her. How could he be so stupid. 

He must somehow reconnect her and Eloise back to good friends. He must also fix what he has broken. He must truly find how to teach her in the way's of wooing a love match. He will make her see that she is not only deserving of men's attention but also deserving to their hearts. He will succeed. Or else he will stay in the same stupor he is in presently. 

The trick is to somehow trick her into meeting up. An idea forms.


Sorry this chapter is short. It will be worth it though for next chapter. Promise! 

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