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"I can't believe you guys," I sighed dramatically. "Shouldn't we be in hiding or something like that?" Marco burst into laughter.

"You're two years too late there, Bud." I smiled at the blond. I noticed he had glasses now. He still had his charming appearance, though. My eyes narrowed at the island ahead. There was smoke rising from a ways in. Oh, no.

"Luffy," I mumbled. Marco eyed the cloud of grey smoke warily. He rested his head on my shoulder, debating whether or not it was safe for me on my own.

"The Marines are here," Izo observed. I laid my head back on Marco's shoulder. If only I had stayed with him, I could have protected him. "Marco."

"It's all right," the blond said. I looked back at him in confusion, fear, and worry. "We won't be far behind. They mess with you, they'll have a pack of Whitebeard Pirates on their tails. Now you go check on the other kid. Make sure you two are safe to part ways now. Make sure you're ready." I nodded slightly. I trembled a bit. "You're going to do just fine. Trust your instincts. Trust Rayleigh's teachings. Trust your big brothers."

"Wait, aren't you and Rayleigh enemies?" I wondered, cocking a brow. He simply looked at me with a blank expression. I giggled, jumping off the boat for the land. I landed on a cliff side. Of course I did. I fought with my weight to not fall back and off, and it worked. I released a relieved breath. I heard some of the boys chuckle, and I turned to pout at them. Marco just sighed.

"Move it before I change my mind!" he hollered. I stuck my tongue out at him, running off. There had to be a town nearby, right? This was a huge island, so I didn't get my hopes up too much. My stamina and endurance really built up since the war. I almost died. I almost lost Luffy.

I stopped in the forest. I pulled Ace's hat off and gazed sadly at it. I crumbled to my knees. I was vulnerable, but I just wanted a minute to be with him. To feel his warmth. I looked up to see Ace crouched in front of me with a heartbroken expression. He reached out, touching my cheek with a soft graze. I could still feel his warmth.

"Ace," I mumbled. I saw Pops. I saw the King of the Pirates. I stumbled back onto my ass, and I moved back. Ace eased towards me instantly while the two older ones glared at each other. I shook my head, letting the figments of my imagination disappear when I heard fighting. I must have been close. I ran out before skidding to a stop. "Oh, come on!" I groaned. The chef and swordsman immediately turned to watch me as I put Ace's hat back on.

"Oh, hey, Ashlo," Sanji greeted before they began to fight again. Then, they paused mid swing, looking at me, startled.

"Ashlo?" Zoro and Sanji exclaimed.

"Yo. What's up?" I greeted, waving a bit.

"What are you doing here?" Zoro asked.

"Looking for your captain," I huffed.

"Did he run off from you?" Sanji sighed heavily. "That dumbass."

"Not necessarily. I left before him, but I wanted to come see him off. However, I also have something to show you guys. Marco's waiting for me at the East end of the island, so I better hurry it up." I ran off, and then they followed after another explosion.

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