Thirty One

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Chapter 31: Charred

Spencer flung a twenty dollar bill at the cab driver before dashing out. "Keep the change," she blurted. On their street, a red firetruck was parked by her front yard and a couple of bystanders lingered from a distance.

Spencer shoved past the nosy neighbors towards a blonde with a bob cut. Melissa noticed her and turned around. "Spencer! You're here," she exclaimed. Just a while ago, Spencer had received a text from Ian Thomas, asking her to meet. Spencer had went down to Mellarow Lane, but Ian had never shown up. Later, Melissa called her, and Spencer realized that she had forgot about the stove. On the ride back home, she received a message from A - whoever that was.

"How's the kitchen?" Spencer asked urgently. "I'm not sure, Ian couldn't put out the whole fire since we didn't really keep any fire extinguishers around the house. I called the fire department, and they are inside right now."

Spencer turned to their house. The front door was wide open, and she could hear shouts and smoke coming out from inside. Spencer felt Melissa's hand clamp around her arm. "Spencer, I saw a peice of chicken cooking on the stove. Was that yours? Did you forget to turn off the stove?"

Spencer remained silent. The fire was her fault, indeed. But was she really going to tell Melissa?

A man came out of the house towards Melissa. "Miss Hastings?" he asked. Melissa released Spencer and walked over. "That's me," she clarified. "The fire's out. It's safe to go in now, although the kitchen's been burnt pretty bad, you might want to come in and see."

Melissa followed the man in, and Spencer lingered behind her. The kitchen was a blackened mess, with bits of burnt matter everywhere, and the once quaint room looking straight out of a war movie.

Melissa squeaked in horror. "It wasn't this bad when I found it," she mumbled. The man shrugged. "Fire spreads like wild, it probably wouldn't have been this bad if you had found some way to put it out before we came."

After Melissa and the man talked for a while more, he signalled for the other firefighters to leave. A few short minutes later, the driveway was cleared. There were footsteps from upstairs, and Ian emerged.

"Sorry, had to use the bathroo- Woah," Ian murmered as he spotted the wrecked kitchen. Spencer glared at him. This would never have had happened if he had never asked her to meet, then stood her up.

There were more footsteps, before Spencer saw her parents rush in the front door. "Melissa?" she heard her mother call. It wasn't long until they reached the kitchen.

Mrs Hastings'es face turned pale when she caught sight of the mess, and Mr Hastings clutched her tighter, his face turning ashen.

"What the hell happened here?" Mrs Hastings squeaked hoarsely. Spencer twiddled her fingers nervously. It wouldn't be long until they found out.

"I came home with Ian to find the kitchen on fire, so we called the fire department, you guys and Spencer," Melissa informed casually. Spencer held in a snort. Melissa was using her usual I'm-the-responsible-child-who-always-knows-what-to-do-unlike-Spencer tone.

"How did the fire start in the first place?" Mr Hastings asked calmly, his face still pale. Melissa's gaze adverted to the pan on the stove. Ian followed. When their parents spotted them looking at the pan, they did too.

Mrs Hastings turned to Spencer, realization washing over her face. "Spencer, did you forget to turn off the stove like I told you to?" Spencer shivered. She was so in trouble.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I got a message from someone and left the house," Spencer mumbled. Mrs Hastings let out a long sigh. "I trusted you, Spencer. I told you to turn off the stove. Now see what has happened." Her voice didn't sound angry, but disappointed.

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"I just got distracted, I'm sorry," Spencer repeated quietly. There was silence for a while, until Mr Hastings spoke up. "The repairs will cost quite a lot, but I'm sure we can pay for them. Spencer, you're grounded for this, got it?"

Spencer could only nod. Then she remembered the picture from A. A had been in the house. A had taken the picture of the oil protector falling over. A must have caused the fire to start up. A had been in the house. Except who was A?

It was all A's fault. Spencer reached into her bag to show her parents the text from A. Maybe they would believe that she was innocent. But before she could do anything, Spencer's phone blacked out.

Spencer pressed on the on button, tapping the screen. Nothing happened. Could it have been a battery shortage? But Spencer was positive that there was over 80 percent left.

Melissa cleared her throat. "Um, Spence, I don't think now's the time to be playing on your phone," She whispered. Spencer looked up. Her father was on the phone, and her mother had walked to a corner, inspecting the damages and holding back tears.

"I'll be outside," Spencer murmered, then stepped out to the backyard before anyone could stop her. This was all her fault. She had let the fire spread because of the Ian text.

Spencer felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She held it up to her face. Had it loaded or something? Just a while before, it had blacked out.

On the screen was a text alert. Spencer's heart sank as she read the message.

Aww, someone feels guilty. This would never have happened if you hadn't been distracted by your sister's boyfriend. Here's a tip: stay away from Ian, or else. -A

Just as she had finished reading it, the back door opened and Ian stepped out. "Um, hey Spencer," he mumbled, standing next to her. Spencer shifted away. Stay away from Ian, or else. What did that mean? Who wanted her to stay away from Ian? And how did A know about the text?

"So, the kitchen looks pretty wrecked," Ian continued. Spencer looked away pointedly. Ian had asked her to meet. It was his fault. After a few stale seconds, Ian let out a sigh.

"Spence, are you mad at me or something?" Ian asked. Spencer couldn't hold back anymore. She whirled around and faced him. "It's all your fault! If you hadn't texted me, this would never have happened!"

Ian frowned. "Spencer, wha-"

"-I wouldn't have left the house and let the fire spread if you hadn't asked me to meet you!" Spencer felt her rage growing with each word she said. "Wait, what do you-"

"-Stop acting like this isn't your fault!" Spencer shrieked. Ian grabbed her arms and pushed them down. "Spencer, you stop! I seriously have no idea what you're talking about!"

Spencer stepped back, her eyes still on Ian. Ian sighed. "I never texted you, Spencer, and I certainly never asked you to meet, I was with your sister this whole time. In fact, I don't even have your number."

Spencer narrowed her eyes at him. Ian was looking at her so innocently that she wanted to believe him. The door behind them opened, and Melissa's head popped out. "I thought I heard shouting," she commented. Spencer remained silent. Maybe Ian was telling the truth. But if Ian hadn't texted her, who had?

Obviously it was A. But Spencer had no idea who A was. For all she knew, A was probably Ali. Why not? Ali knew that Spencer had a crush on Ian. But was Ali really that evil, so as to cause a fire in her kitchen?

And A had been in the house to take that picture. Ali had no access to the house when it was locked up. Only four people did.

Spencer, Mr Hastings, Mrs Hastings and Melissa. Melissa. Spencer turned to her sister and stared at her. Melissa probably knew about the Ian thing. Ali would have told her. And Melissa, being her protective, possessive self, would do anything to get Spencer in trouble for it. Melissa could have set the fire. Melissa could have had access to Ian's phone. A was Melissa.

Ian held on to Melissa's hand and smiled at her. "Nothing happened, just saw a spider and Spencer went crazy," he laughed, looking at Spencer. As if she was that prissy. Spencer simply nodded and looked down. "Sorry."

Melissa smiled awkwardly and pulled Ian back into the house leaving Spencer standing there. What if Melissa really was A? Would her own sister do that to her?

Spencer pulled out her phone again. Maybe if she looked at the Ian message again, she would find traces of Melissa on it. Her English teacher had once taught her that everyone had different writing styles. Maybe Melissa's would be reflected in it.

Instead, Spencer found her text Box to be empty. The messages from Ian and A were gone. Spencer pushed her phone into her pocket and slumped down the side of the house. This was going to be harder than she thought.

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