~Chapter 28.~

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*Michael's POV.*

I finally woke up literally underneath my car. What the fuck? Glass was broken everywhere and the top of my roof was torn open. I felt blood dripping down my head.

I started to feel pain below my legs. I couldn't remember much, basically it was a blur.

I saw my phone a crossed from me cracked.

"Oh fuck Karli!" I heard police cars, and an ambulance coming this way.

I need to tell her I'm okay. She's probably freaking out. I tried getting out from under my car, but I couldn't I was stuck.

I tried again, removing the part that caught onto my leg, but I couldn't because of so much pain.

"He's over there!" The police say as the people bring out a cot for me to lay on. They try to lift as I groan in pain.

"Yeah something's caught, I can't seem to l-lift." The man finally removes it as they notice a small bar stuck into my leg.

"Holy shit, I can't even feel that." I say.

"Well that's not a good sign."

*Karli's POV.*

The pain going through my chest felt nothing like the other ones. It felt like heart break.

"Karli are you ready to give birth?" The lady said as I was covered in sweat still crying.

"Y-Yes." My throat burned feeling like it was cracking from dehydration.


"Miss would you like to see you're daughter?" The lady was holding her already in a blanket. I shook my head as I felt like my heart was slowing down.

"What would you like to name her?" She smiled.

"Mikayla." I mumbled.

Luke ran in to the room to see if I was okay.

"Um, what's happening to her?" Luke yelled as he saw me.

"Hm, that's unusual-" The nurse went and checked the heart meter.

"Karli is very healthy. I don't get why she is-" Luke ran up to me and started to cry.

"No, no, no stay with me!" He yelled.

I didn't hear him that well though. I couldn't really speak either. My vision was getting blurrier. I never thought I could die of a broken heart.

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