CHAPTER 5; old friend

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Max wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't you letting out of his sight. Hence the both of you hungover at the gym, Max with his trainer and you sitting on the floor in a borrowed pair of Max's sweatpants from last night sipping on a bottle of Pedialyte.

"You know it's really odd to have someone watch your workouts." Max's trainer Bradley says.

"Believe me, I'd rather be working out. But someone wouldn't let me go back to my place to change." You say staring at Max who is dripping in sweat.

"Yeah, and who hit snooze on the alarm three times making us late, so we didn't have time to go back and change?" Max says re-racking his weights. He's not wrong, you very much enjoyed the extra time in bed with Max, even if that meant you were running late.

"I blame Cass, if we had just stayed at my place it all would have worked out fine." You say standing up and going to throw the empty Pedialyte bottle out.

"You know what? I blame Cass too." Max says grunting as he picks up a heavier set of weights.

Fuck he is fit, there's no denying that.

"Man, you two sound like an old married couple already." Bradley says laughing.

"Shut up Bradley," Max says, and you just laugh sitting back down against the glass mirror. Your phone died overnight so you can't even pre-occupy yourself with that, so you just watch Max work out trying to keep the dirty thoughts out of your head as you watch him grunt and sweat. You slowly let your mind wander though, how could you not knowing what lies beneath those clothes.

"Ari, earth to Ari," you hear someone say.

"Hmmm?" You say looking up.

"We're done." Max says holding out his hand helping you up off the floor. You furrow your brow at him confused. "We're done working out." Max says clarifying.

"Right, sorry got lost in my thoughts there for a moment."

"I can tell," Max whispers looking down at your erect nipples poking through your tank top.

"Shut up, it's cold in here." You say folding your arms over your chest covering them up.

"Bye guys! See you in Imola." Bradley says heading out.

"Bye Bradley, I promise I'll bring workout clothes next time." You say waving goodbye. Bradley just laughs heading off to his car.

"What do you think, have one more workout session in you?" You ask looking up at Max cheekily.

"With you? Always." Max says leaning in to kiss you but stops at the last second. "But we have a plane to catch and stuff to do so it'll have to wait."

"Do we at least have the plane to ourselves?" You ask following Max back out to his car.

"No. Daniel and Lando are coming with us." Max says opening your door for you.

"Mmmm that's a shame. Maybe we take my plane next time?" You say winking at Max as he smirks closing the door behind you. He throws his gym bag in the back before climbing into the drivers seat heading back to the building. The two of you head up to your apartment, so you can shower and change. Max having brought a change of clothes in his gym bag to change into.

You unlock the door to your apartment and head inside immediately covering your eyes at the sight before you. Cass in Daniel's t-shirt, Daniel in just his boxers, making out in your kitchen.

"Guys come on, not where we make food and eat." You say looking down heading to your bathroom.

"Mate, you've got your own place like five floors down." Max says looking at Daniel.

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